
  • Pary Ave Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - Brentwood
    Every day, usually 7 - 8 AM and 3 - 6 PM, cars will cut through Pary from Marylea to avoid the signal, stop signs, school zone, ect. That is not the problem. The issue is almost all those who cut through drive at speeds from 35 mph up to at least 50 mph. It is only a two block stretch, but it is one with many children, elderly, and pets. We have mentioned this issue to the police previously and absolutely nothing has been done. This has been going on for many years (on the same street as the rear of the borough building!), and the residents are completely fed up. Whether tickets are given out or no through traffic is allowed, something must happen. We have already had two pets hit by these cutting through speeders; it's only a matter of time until a resident is hurt.