
  • 1100 S 3rd St Minneapolis 55415, United States - Downtown East
    Car parked in bike lane
  • 1025 Washington Ave S Minneapolis 55415, United States - Downtown East
  • Bicycle Lane Archived
    1029 W River Pkwy Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA - Downtown East
  • 2121-2199 Riverside Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota - Cedar-Riverside
    On the SW corner of the Riverside Ave. and 22nd Ave. intersection, the street signs for Riverside and 22nd Avenues are facing the wrong way (90 degrees off), so Riverside Avenue is labeled 22nd Avenue, and vice versa.
  • Bicycle Lane Archived
    856 University Ave Se Minneapolis, MN - Prospect Park
    Please realign the sewer grate by turning it 90 degrees to prevent cyclists from having their bike tires caught in the grate (especially in the dark) unexpectedly. They could easily be thrown off their bike or into auto traffic, since the slots are parallel to the curb.
  • 2020 S 6th St MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota - Cedar-Riverside
  • 2020 S 6th St Minneapolis, Minnesota - Cedar-Riverside
    Four traffic lanes on Cedar Avenue (on the north side of the intersection were created when reconstruction was completed this fall: one on the east side of Cedar Avenue for north-bound traffic; next, an east-bound left turn lane for cars facing south; a middle lane is for cars proceeding south on Cedar Avenue and a right lane is for cars that are traveling south but that are turning right onto Riverside going west. However, drivers unfamiliar with this intersection cannot see the lane markings due to faded paint or snow; they stay in the middle lane and signal their east-bound turns to the left. That means that a long line of cars forms to make the left turn, but only a few get through before the left turn arrow changes. Not only are turns taking longer, but the through traffic gets stuck behind the cars that can't make the turn out of the middle lane. It's now too dangerous to use the left turn lane, because the middle lane cars turn at the same time, further confusing the issue because there's only one lane of traffic eastbound. I have stopped using this intersection for this reason. Please do something soon.
  • Busway Minneapolis, Minnesota - University District
    This light was on red for at least 7 minutes, with no promise of changing. I finally told the bus driver that we had been on the same #1 city bus four weeks earlier and the light did the same thing. In both cases, the driver had no choice but to go through the red light in order to provide timely service to his/her customers. I promised then to report this ridiculous situate and then forgot so IF IT'S BEEN FIXED, HOORAH. I haven't been on that bus since then so I wouldn't know, but it's clearly a broken timer.
  • 520-598 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota - Cedar-Riverside
    The pedestrian walk button hasn't worked for several days. Signal located in front of Jimmy John's Sandwich Shop, southwest corner of Riverside and 21st avenues. If you do cross when these buttons aren't pushed or not working, the orange hand signals warns pedestrians not to walk and the time to cross is much shorter than usual. Plus, drivers typically drive in front of you or very close to you as a warning because they think they have the right of way. Very risky to walk across, if you need to do so.
  • 520-598 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
  • 525 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota - Cedar-Riverside
    The 2-minute plus wait for the traffic signal change favors the east-west vehicle traffic to exasperation of drivers and pedestrians trying to cross Riverside Ave. This defeats the recent street/light redesign and upgrade to increase safety. This week I have witnessed four separate incidents of frustrated drivers going through a red light (making left turns or straight through) & of course, pedestrians ignoring the "Walk" button because it's no longer useful to them. Go back to the original settings that allowed short waits on both streets.
  • Power outage Archived
    2020 South 6th St Minneapolis, MN - Cedar-Riverside
    Power lost about 9:47; appears to be out on in the residential block except for the street lights.
  • Riverside And 21st Avenues South Minneapolis, MN - Cedar-Riverside
    The traffic signal is twisted so that drivers who are on 21st Avenue heading NOrth see a green light at the same time that the traffic from the opposing directions (east and west) have green lights. The driver could potentially drive into the intersection against traffic.
  • Street Light Archived
    2000-2046 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
    Ttwo intersections on Riverside Avenue have the same problem & maybe more. They are at 20th & 21st avenues on Riverside.
  • 2101-2119 S 6th St Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
    A city tree trimming crew is working their way east on S 6th Street between 20th & 21st avenues, stripping the tops off our old trees to clear space around the utility wires that hang between oles in our old neighborhood. The trimming is so severe that not much but the trunks and a few lower branches are left. Why not remove the whole tree and plant new smaller trees? The mangled remains no longer function either as shade or beauty. Or better yet, leave our trees alone and bury our utility wires underground and take down the outmoded poles. It's sad that thr trees have less value to the city than the wires & poles.
  • Graffiti Archived
    2021 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
  • Graffiti Archived
    2021 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
  • Graffiti Archived
    2021 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside
  • Graffiti Archived
    2021 Riverside Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA - Cedar-Riverside