Saugus Town Hall PLUS

Otwarte sprawy: 1 375 Sprawy zamknięte: 2 597 Acknowledged Issues: 912
  • 24 Staaf Road Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Across from 25 Staaf there is a light fixture that is not working and has not been working for a while. It makes the road and neighborhood areas incredibly dark.
  • Clifftondale Square Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus

    The utility cover in front of Dunkin Donuts, 508 Lincoln Ave. rattles every time a car drives over it. Could you please fix.
    Many thanks,

    Jeanie Bartolo
    Town Meeting Member
    Precinct 6

  • Utility CoversPotwierdzone
    1 Pelham St Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Catch Basin is caving in.
  • 23 Marshall Avenue Saugus, MA - Saugus
    Street light at 22 Marshall avenue has been nonfunctional x8 months. Recent wind/storm has caused the light fixture to fall. Glass and light cover are in the roadway.
  • 22 Marshall Ave Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Recent wind/storm has caused the light fixture to fall. Glass and light cover are in the roadway. Street light now non-functioning on an otherwise dark dead end road.
  • Utility CoversPotwierdzone
    64 Denver St Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    yesterday the sewer repair people were working in the manhole at 64 Denver whenever a car goes over it rattles
  • 54 Pearson St Saugus 01906, United States - Saugus
    Street light more off than on.
  • 10 Gianna Drive Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    There was not a category for lights or "OTHER".
    1. Light poles number [ 3 and 7 ] have the bulbs blown out and as you know it is a dark street with wildlife crossing so in a car it is hard to see the street -- really appreciate fixing we love you kids
  • 99 Summer Court Saugus, MA 01906, United States of America - Saugus
    Electric pole leaning towards Essex St.Across from staff rd.
  • 8 Bayfield Road Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Street floods for hours after rain storms.need drains cleaned out.tnx
  • Utility CoversPotwierdzone
    4 Bisbee Road Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Cover was broken off by plow this past winter, and now there are wires exposed
  • Utility CoversPotwierdzone
    53 Walden Pond Ave Saugus, MA 01906, USA - Saugus
    The cover and surrounding asphalt for the storm drain has sunken 6 or more inches. As it continues to sink it breaks off more and more of the surrounding roadway leaving large pieces of asphalt on the side of the road.