Saugus Town Hall PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 1.374
Questões Encerradas: 2.597
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 912
Public Health IssuesAbertaCentral Street Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
Hi Brendon, is it possible to have more lights installed at the front door of the Senior Center? The Hammersmith Quilt Guild has about 100 members and they meet at night. It is really dark and scary for the women walking to their cars. As always thank you for any help you can give.
Jeanie Bartolo
Town Meeting Member
Precinct 6 -
Public Health IssuesAberta14 Springdale Ave Saugus, Massachusetts - SaugusStreet light has been out a few days. Flickers on and off a few times but stays out all night.
Public Health IssuesAberta18–32 Glen Park Ave Saugus 01906, United States - SaugusLarge muddy hole formed from cars driving through the park. Please send someone to resurface and block off the area until it re-levels.
Public Health IssuesReconhecidaJennifer Dr Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - SaugusWasp nest underground on sidewalk near green boxes! Please handle before we all get stung!!
Public Health IssuesAberta2-10 Mt Vernon St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - SaugusCatch basins on the myrtle street side of 12 mt vernon, and the linwood side of 12 mt vernon need to be cleaned out they are full of sand,dirt etc. When it rains the water is over the curbs.
Public Health IssuesAberta367 Lincoln Ave Saugus, Massachusetts - SaugusAngelo's oil at 367 Lincoln Ave is still runnig his trucks for about 15-30 mins in the morning ant there are big turcks going down Hazel st to the diesel pump and i have videos to prove it
Public Health IssuesAbertaVine Street Corner Of Highland Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
Hello, A stone wall at the corner of Highland and Vine is damaged and in front of a stream of water. Across from Talbot street.
Please replace wall or repair.
Thank you.
Public Health IssuesReconhecida25 Herbert Ave Saigus Ma 01906 - SaugusBrendan, I received a call from a constituent who lives at 25 Herbert Avenue. You are familiar with the town's drainage system backing up in her back yard. It has gotten pretty serious. There is still a large amount of water in the middle of her yard. Her evergreen tree and another tree is dead because of it as well as damage to her fence. The smell is absolutely horrific. I know that you had Western & Sampson do a study and that they concurred. I am hoping that you can look into this and talk to the homeowner again for some kind of resolution. Many thanks,
Jeanie Bartolo
Town Meeting Member
Precinct 6 -
Public Health IssuesAberta5 Whitney St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - SaugusStreet Light in front of 5 Whitney Street is out. The number on the pole is 3.
Public Health IssuesAberta89 School St Saugus MA 01906, United States - SaugusSigns need to be put up on the rail trail .Residential area please be respectful Not just the beginning but all along the trail..
Public Health IssuesAberta33 Glen Park Ave Saugus, MA 01906, USA - Saugusit's obvious that these people had built this illegal structure without a permit it's a safety issue a Code Enforcement issue in the city of Saugus and also a liability they're playing day and night causing a ruckus and disturbance and potential liability to the neighborhood it needs to be attended to before it becomes a legal issue!👁️
Constantly Standing Water on RoadReconhecida1-99 Wakefield Ave Saugus, Massachusetts - SaugusThe road is lacking drainage. Constant puddle on corner of Wakefield & Bailey Ave. Mosquito breeding grounds all summer.