Saugus Town Hall PLUS

Open Issues: 1 374 Closed Issues: 2 597 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 912
  • 17 Hillcrest Street Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Utility pole next to blue salt barrell on corner of Grandview Ave and Bailey Ave is swaying alot in the wind gusts today. I live on Hillcrest St and through my kitchen window I watched it sway so much i thought it was going to split and fall across Bailey Ave.
  • 266 Main St Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    School Speed limit flashing 20MPH 2x a day. Not needed anymore
  • 1 Atkinson Drive Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    The street light on pole #2 has been out for several days
  • 92 Broadway Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus

    Lights not working.

    Thank you,
    Mike Goggin

  • 14 Kayla Drive Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Light has been out for years, can some please replace it.
  • 15 Lynn Fells Pkwy Saugus 01906, United States - Saugus
    Street light is out on pole#3 Making it very dark to walk on sidewalks.
  • 23-99 Carr Rd Town of Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light in front of 28 carr is still out. Has been an issue since July 2022. Can we please get someone out to fix. Area very dark
  • 24-98 Carr Rd Town of Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light in front of 28 carr road STILL NOT WORKING. STREET VERY DARK!!!
  • 39 Pleasant Street Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    This street light between 41 and 39 pleasant street Saugus Ma. Has Ben out for several weeks😉
  • 410 Lynn Fells Pkwy Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    Metal Street light pole is dented on one side and listing heavily
  • Saugus MA, USA - Saugus
    Pole 2 street light is still out on 1 Atkinson dr saugus
  • 39 Juniper Drive Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Street light across from 39 Juniper drive is blinking. It has been blinking for several weeks. Called several times and it is still blinking.