Saugus Town Hall PLUS

Open Issues: 1,374 Closed Issues: 2,597 Acknowledged Issues: 912
  • 1-99 Stevens Pl Town of Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Bushes need to be trimmed on the street they are overgrown. The road will be covered soon completely.
    Thank You
  • 89 Essex St Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    A little past 89 Essex St a dead tree is hanging over the sidewalk .
  • 10 Whitney St Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    3 dead Tess that need to be cut down ASAP before someone is killed by the falling trees Two are located on Whitney street at corner of myrtle and the other one on corner of myrtle Been many years falling down with damage to property and utilities Something needs to be done or there will be a fatality if not taken care of immediately Residents have complained about this situation for years with no results
  • 20 Lothrop St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Town tree limb fell on electrical wires putting electricity out for the street. National grid took the limb down which was burnt and is now in the street. This is a town tree limb that should be picked up. It is a road hazard
  • 6 Aspen Terrace Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Hi, can someone please remove the tree that has fallen on Aspen Terrace? It’s laying in the middle of the street.
  • 28 Cleveland Ave Saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Huge tree branch hanging from tree between 28-34 cleveland ave. We have set up cones to prevent someone from going near it but this is a heavily traveled pathway for kids and parents. If this branch falls it will cause damage to a car or person!
  • 59 Jasper St Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    Tree snapped
  • 25 Cliftondale Ave Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Large branches in the street
  • 9 Tuttle Street Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    That limb is hollow and dead it is going to fall on my house! One that looked the same just fell in my yard and took down my fence and pool. This limb needs to be cut down asap before it crushes my house please!
  • 33 Fairmount Ave saugus, Massachusetts - Saugus
    Hello!! There are two very overgrown Town trees where their limbs are very close to the electrical wires. I think that once snow gets on them they may fall and rest on the lines possibly taking them down. It looks like their needs to be under pruning /cutting done before this becomes an issue. I have several elderly families and adults who live next to me that would not fair well if they lost electricity in the winter. Any help would be appreciated...I don't feel that National Grid has done their diligence with their pruning on our street...My location is not the only one. Also there remains a very large block of wood on a cross street (Fairmount Ave/Oakcrest) electrical wire that is just suspended in the air.....any major wind gust could take it down and potentially kill someone. I appreciate your help!
  • 20–58 Cliftondale Ave Saugus MA 01906, United States - Saugus
    Large maple tree leaning very badly towards a house at 27 and 25 Cliftondale Ave Tree have moved a lot in the past year It is on town property on next to the rail trail Also a large dead tree that is on the culvert is dead also ..h..
  • 2-8 Pace Rd Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Brush at corner of pace and Hamilton reduced viability when at stop sign.