Saugus Town Hall PLUS

Open Issues: 1,372 Closed Issues: 2,597 Acknowledged Issues: 912
  • Pine St & Pinehurst Ave Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light not working at the corner of Pine street and Pinehurst Ave
  • 31 Hammersmith Drive Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Hammersmith Drive street light has been out for almost a month I sent in a few request but still has not been fixed. Please fix it as soon as possible very dangerous. Thank you.
  • Clifton Ave Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    About 4-5 out on the street
  • 69 Lynn Fells Parkway Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light is out making it very dark crossing the street. I was crossing with my children to get Ice cream and we were almost hit.
  • 69 Lynn Fells Parkway Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light is out. Attempted to cross the street with my children to get ice cream and we almost got hit by a car.
  • 93 Juniper Dr Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    The street light needs to be fixed ASAP. We have been waiting a month, not acceptable. Expect this to be fixed by end of week.
  • Central St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Pole # 11/45 corner of Central St & Knowles Ave. street light blinking on and off. Also a bus stop.
  • 31-99 Jackson St Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street light out. Pole is in front of 43 Jackson street.
  • 1 Atkinson Drive Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    This street light on 1 atkinson Drive Pole 2 is still not fixed
  • Saugus MA, USA - Saugus
    Light at Pole #2 at 1 Atkinson drive is oit and has been for quite sometime
  • 2 Valeri Dr Saugus, MA, 01906, USA - Saugus
    Street Light out in front of 2 Valeri Drive
  • 9 Raddin Terrace Saugus, Massachusetts, 01906 - Saugus
    Street light out at 9 Raddin Terrace