Sarasota County Services PLUS
Open Issues: 5
Closed Issues: 15 729
Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 810
Code EnforcementGodkänd6716 S Lockwood Ridge Rd Sarasota, FL, 34231, USA - Gulf Gate EstatesMailbox in front of the garage. Paint cans on the side. They are on the side and in the small walled area. Hope this home begins a renovation.
Code EnforcementGodkänd2511 Cardwell Way Sarasota, FL, 34231, USA - Gulf Gate EstatesIf the information is already known, when will it cease to be a weekly rental? 2419 Cass Street and 2511 Cardwell Way.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyAll parking lots must be striped and conform to landscape requirements if over 5 spaces. Zoning 7.1.13 f g j previously reported in see click fix and removed without resolution.
Code EnforcementGodkändNathan Benderson Park 5851 Nathan Benderson Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyUDC 124-121 requires pedestrian paths from ALL entrances on site to building if over 20,000 sq ft. Tower built in 2017 over 25,000 sq ft listed on permit application and no pedestrian path from Honore. Honore is designated as a major arterial road, has a gate, entrance sign and is not considered an entrance for only service or delivery vehicles. Why is Benderson and SANCA allowed to exclude connectivity from Honore including boat ramp on small West lake? Is it because it does not serve their purpose for rowing? They certainly use it and close it whenever they have an event. First entrance they close. If it was not considered an entrance why close it during their events? Public was assured during rezone community meetings this entrance would have sidewalks and would remain as always an entrance. Parks and Rec director stated and is a part of documentation in rezone approval.
UDC also states pedestrian paths SHALL be provided from building entrance to surrounding streets, transit stops, external sidewalks and out parcels. There you have it. Surrounding street yes. Transit stop yes. External sidewalk yes. Out parcel yes Previous request under sidewalk issue marked resolved and closed without comment -
Code EnforcementGodkänd7464 Biltmore Dr Sarasota FL 34231, United States - Gulf Gate EstatesTwo weeks of trash in black bags piled in the street.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyBusiness use permit issued August 2017 in violation of code. No pedestrian pathways, no ADA pathway from Cattlemen Road, no landscaping installed. All required under land development ordinance and site and development plans. 20 months later and still not compliant.
Code EnforcementGodkändAthletes Dr Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyWest lake boat launch by Honore was required to have parking paved when Development built or required an alternate parking plan be submitted with fee and approved by County. East boat ramp was eventually paved but is incomplete as there is no striping, landscaping or lighting.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota 34235, United States - Sarasota CountyOutdoor storage in sw small lake area off Honore Ave. Outdoor storage is not allowed in GU district. UDC 124-124. Outdoor storage only allowed for boats, sculls, trailers incidental to permitted use. All other materials must be kept in completely enclosed building. Reported directly to code enforcement and planning and development services director which has not been acknowledged.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyADA space does not connect to the trail. Why have an ADA space if you have to go through shell/rock to get to the paved pathway that the parking area serves?
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyNo pedestrian pathway from Honore along Athletes Drive to connect lake fishing, boat ramp, ADA space to rest of facilities in the park. Archived from view without resolution. Waiting on ADA interpretation as I have sent applicable requirements to ADA staff several times over several weeks without response on if ADA office feels not required even though confirmed by parks was required when Benderson tower built under Land Development regulations even though staff overlooked the requirement on S&D submittal at that time.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyTrash continues to pile up. Dumpsters empty but why trash on ground? Outdoor storage not allowed and SANCA has been told.
Code EnforcementGodkändNathan Benderson Park 5851 Nathan Benderson Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyUnpermitted 10 x 16 storage shed on island.