Sarasota County Services PLUS
Open Issues: 5
Closed Issues: 15 729
Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 810
Code EnforcementGodkänd1717 Kilpatrick Rd Nokomis, FL, 34275, USA - NokomisThe guy who lives here is out of control and has a complete disregard for all of the neighbors in this area. His place is filthy and he has car parts everywhere. He tells everyone in the neighborhood he owns some car business and to bring him work, but nobody wants to because we live here and we don't want to hear his loud work at all hours of the night. He has so much car parts and cars all over the place it looks like a junk yard. He is filthy and trashy. He does burn outs all up and down the streets at all hours of the night. There are families here, this isn't a drag strip. Some of us have already reported him. We are too afraid to report him because he threatens the people in the neighborhood who already reported him. Nobody should be scared to live in the neighborhood but this guy makes everyone terrified.
When the county does come out, he tries to hide everything as fast as he can until he gets reinspected. Then he is back at it again. There is no way he should be allowed to run a business in this neighborhood. He lies and lies and lies about everything. If you ask him if he runs a business it depends on who is asking. If you have some muscle car he will be nice to you and talk about his business because he wants the job, but if you are the county he will say its all his own cars even though they aren't. This neighborhood has put up with this derelict for too long now and we need the counties help to put an end to this guy. -
Code EnforcementGodkänd3427 Stokes Dr Sarasota Springs, FL, 34232, USA - Sarasota SpringsJunk all over, more than 4 vehicles, storing jacuzzi outside, RV being worked on and possibly inhabited, running a business out of thus property.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyParking area has no striping or landscaping. Zoning 7.1.13 previously reported in see click fix and removed without resolution.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyExisting shed already has code enforcement violation notice for no permit and not on approved S&D plan. It is showing on recent submittal to be removed. Why is it still on site?
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyArterial street buffer never installed. Previously reported and removed from see click fix without resolution. Code 7.3.6.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyPathway trails on Western shore required to have lighting. Benderson did not budget for it so was agreed to be included on future submittals. 2 or 3 or 4? future submittals and still no pathway lighting was shown on or installed.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5851 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyAll parking lots must be striped and conform to landscape requirements if over 5 spaces. Zoning 7.1.13 f g j previously reported in see click fix and removed without resolution.
Code EnforcementGodkändNathan Benderson Park 5851 Nathan Benderson Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyUDC 124-121 requires pedestrian paths from ALL entrances on site to building if over 20,000 sq ft. Tower built in 2017 over 25,000 sq ft listed on permit application and no pedestrian path from Honore. Honore is designated as a major arterial road, has a gate, entrance sign and is not considered an entrance for only service or delivery vehicles. Why is Benderson and SANCA allowed to exclude connectivity from Honore including boat ramp on small West lake? Is it because it does not serve their purpose for rowing? They certainly use it and close it whenever they have an event. First entrance they close. If it was not considered an entrance why close it during their events? Public was assured during rezone community meetings this entrance would have sidewalks and would remain as always an entrance. Parks and Rec director stated and is a part of documentation in rezone approval.
UDC also states pedestrian paths SHALL be provided from building entrance to surrounding streets, transit stops, external sidewalks and out parcels. There you have it. Surrounding street yes. Transit stop yes. External sidewalk yes. Out parcel yes Previous request under sidewalk issue marked resolved and closed without comment -
Code EnforcementGodkänd7464 Biltmore Dr Sarasota FL 34231, United States - Gulf Gate EstatesTwo weeks of trash in black bags piled in the street.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5857 Nathan Benderson Cir Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyTriple wide SANCA office trailer has never applied for Business Use Permit. Only BUP is for tower 5851 Nathan Benderson Circle. A separate BUP is required for this operational office trailer.
Code EnforcementGodkändAthletes Dr Sarasota, FL, 34235, USA - Sarasota CountyWest lake boat launch by Honore was required to have parking paved when Development built or required an alternate parking plan be submitted with fee and approved by County. East boat ramp was eventually paved but is incomplete as there is no striping, landscaping or lighting.
Code EnforcementGodkänd5245 Susan Ave Sarasota, FL, 34231, USA - South SarasotaThere is a tent city being set up in the backyard. You can see it thru the fence on the Wason side. There are more vehicles there than the number of renters allowed and some of the people in that house ride bikes. There are more than the allowed number of unrelated people in the house. The yard is being used for homeless who are working on the house. Again unpermitted work is going on. She is running a rental and the number of people is a violation