Chelsea, MA PLUS
18 Tudor St Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaEvery day, sometimes multiple times a day at varying hours, the driver of this vehicle (MA plate 59XR99) sits part way in the road, revving his engine, which sounds like it’s missing an exhaust. This goes on for anywhere from a couple minutes to an hour at a time. There are typically one or more additional persons leaning in through the window to talk to him, further obscuring traffic.
1 Stockton St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelseayesterday I was waiting to cross the street so I waited for the red light and I waited until both lane drivers were at a dead stop and it was a good thing I did because the driver in the farther lane didn't stop at the cross walk and would've hit me. I believe he didn't know where to stop cuz as you can see the cross walk lines are nearly entirely gone. drivers at that light always blow through the cross walk and stop at the between the bus lane and Stockton st. I walk this cross walk everyday since my son goes to the Hooks School and I work there also. please paint the crosswalk before someone gets hurt. thanks!!
35 Hawthorn St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
Please give residents 24 hours notice if you decide to shut down their street. This has now happened dozens of times in the past several months and I believe the city is required to notify residents of any street closures unless due to emergency.
Please step it up City Hall and leave your offices. Engage the residents on Hawthorne, Essex, Marginal, Shurtleff, Congress, etc... who have dealt with non stop construction with water main and ever source for 6 months. We deserve better down here and we are are still residential, so treat us as such. The City Managers re-zoning effort down here to industrial has not taken place yet, so help the residents till Eastern buys us out at least.
18 Summit Ave Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaThis truck’s equipment was further in the road last night which was almost caused an accident. It has been parked here at night for the better part of the month. The equipment should not be in the road causing a hazard. Also to note this is against DOT Commercial regulations. Weight. Capacity. And no warning device of equipment 4’ past the furthest most point of the vehicle. Please take notice - thank you!
8 Tudor St Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaDrivers living at 8 Tudor St consistently have car parked halfway on extremely heavily used sidewalk directly across from middle school. This particular car (MA plate 7HC941) has been parked like this for several days now.
Washington Ave & Sagamore Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaThis is an ongoing issue on Washington Ave in the morning. Contrary to the signage posted regarding blocking intersection cars/buses do not adhere to it. Something horrific will happen here if something is not done. cars/buses not only block every crosswalk for pedestrians to use safely to cross the street but cars/buses (pic shown of packed School Bus- unacceptable!) in the "left only" lane cutting the adjacent lane off to go straight, this happens every time. Maybe a police car stationed in the area in the am will help curtail this as well as helping pedestrians not get hit.
360 Washington Ave Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaOngoing daily issue of intersection being blocked in all directions. Residents on Lash St cannot even get out of the “dead end” due to cars/buses blocking the end of street and the crosswalks. Something needs to be done here. It is very frustrating. If a petition is needed to present to the city councilman we would gladly assist with that. Please assist here!
318 Revere Beach Pkwy Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaSomehow the new light configuration has made this intersection even more confusing and dangerous. The use of both a turn arrow and a full circle light that contradict each other is confusing to people and I can’t imagine why this configuration was added to yet another intersection (versus turning and straight arrows). I’ve already been rear ended here and seen several near misses.
82 Grove St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaA guy on moped driving on sidewalk at high rate of speed on Grove Street.
Revere Beach Pkwy & Washington Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - ChelseaTraffic lights are not working. They are just green for revere Beach pkwy.
118 Webster Ave Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - ChelseaThey are back. Again contractors vehicles parked on curb creating danger for motorist merging onto Webster Ave and/or turning right onto Summit Ave which is a 35 degree turn. They laughed at the police and City officials again. Anyone with authority?
Revere Beach Pkwy Chelsea 02150, United States - ChelseaThis is an ongoing issue that at some point will cause a horrific accident whether vehicle or pedestrian related. Washington Ave is a nightmare in the morning, not only do cars/buses block a busy pedestrian intersection @ sagamore sometimes nearly missing pedestrians trying to cross blocked crosswalks but cars/buses get in the “left only” lane and cut off the adjacent lane to beat the backup (pic shown of a school bus doing this) which is unacceptable!. This needs to be looked into, maybe suggestion of a police detail to deter the idiots that drive to endanger. Help alleviate this please.