Chelsea, MA IYO

Fur Arrimaha: 196 Arrimaha xidhmay: 5,879 Arrimaha la Qiray: 175
  • OtherLa qiray
    89 Webster Ave Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    The utility poles in this area are leaning quite a bit. Can you have them come and check it out before the lean gets even worse?
  • 100 Washington Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Young children outside all hours of the night up to 11:00 PM screaming and yelling climbing on tree in front of property. No adult supervision. Very noisy
  • 24 Tudor St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea

    Ongoing construction does not comply with COVID 19 precautions. Multiple workers in close quarters, often without masks.

    Siding being removed has lead paint and is not being removed with any safety precautions or disposed of properly.

    Can someone please address the condition of this job site and the manner in which the work is being done?

  • Chelsea Ma 02150 United States - Chelsea
    Can the net to be put back up on the tennis court at Voke Park since athletic courts are now permitted for use in phase 2 of reopening? Thank you!
  • OtherLa qiray
    171 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    there is little grass in the Chelsea square area. why do we need to use Peatixises that harm humans and animals? why not use non harmful solutions.
  • OtherLa qiray
    35 Franklin St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Broken Water Main!!!! Water coming up through pavement running down hill to Washington Park. Icy mess this water main has been leaking for 2 years. Keeps getting bigger and bigger each year. I have reported this to city last year and again last week. This needs to be fixed.
  • Polonia Park Tremont St, Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    The grass in the park has been completely destroyed through time by the dogs urinating and defecating all over the area. The grassy areas are dead and look awful! Now is the time for the City to resod the area and rope them off from the dogs which are constantly being let loose by their owners. Also, dogs owners are placing their dogs over the locked gate and allowing them to run loose in the Park.
  • DrainLa qiray
    109 Library St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    I'm not sure if this is supposed to look like this, but it might be clogged up :-D.
    This is in the parking lot between 111/113 and 109 Library Street in Chelsea.
  • PavingLa qiray
    Hooton Way Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    With paving going on in neighborhood wondering why this street wasn't included in project. Passed by this way for over a decade and has received minor attention, could use some paving. Thanks
  • 188 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    pesticide application sign out for weeks. when is it done ? why no dates? why not organic? what are we supposed to do for weeks with pets?
  • 39 Winnisimmet St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    A utility box attached to the telephone pole at the entrance to the parking lot; front panel has fallen off.
    The panel is resting at the base of the telephone pole. Looks like the Scotch Tape that kept it together has given way to the recent rains, etc.
  • 10 Cottage St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Can the city please remove a broken tree limb from the sidewalk in front of 27-29 Medford Street. Thanks