Chelsea, MA IYO

Fur Arrimaha: 196 Arrimaha xidhmay: 5,879 Arrimaha la Qiray: 175
  • 320 Washington Ave Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    All of this make our city looks very bad, don’t you think ?!!!
  • 500 Broadway Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea

    Due to rapidly changing circumstances, the City Manager has made the difficult decision to close to the public City Hall, the Library and the Sr. Center for an indefinite period, but at least until Mon. Mar. 30.

    Despite this situation, the City is still committed to delivering certain core services. But, only critical staff will remain on site. Most employees will be working from home. Buildings will be closed to the public effective immediately.

    We encourage residents to interact with the City by mail or on-line. We also encourage the use of our 3-1-1 phone line during previous business hours.
    Extension of Deadlines
    All renewals periods for parking permits and parking stickers are extended until June 1, 2020. Renewals for all current dog tags expiring on March 31st and April 30 have been extended until June 1st.

    All parking ticket appeals must be submitted in writing by mail, online, or dropped off in the green mailbox outside of City Hall on Washington Avenue. To accommodate this change, the appeal period for all tickets issued on or after March 1st will be extended by thirty (30) days. No appeals will be accepted in person at City Hall for any reason.

    The City will extend the date for payment of excise tax bills due on March 25, 2020. Those bills will now be due no later than April 28, 2020. No interest shall accrue during this extension period.

  • 9 Fitz Ter Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Can someone please do something about the fireworks? It's every night and our houses are top close together to be lighting off fireworks on a small cul-de-sac. It's not only a fire hazard but it is illegal.
  • 90 Essex St Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Handicap access ramp wrong location, too far down, & will be blocked by parking spot.
    Easy fix swap one curb stone to make it closer to the corner like it was prior to the construction. Simple mistake but if left I corrected will take up a parking spot in a neighborhood where there’s already not enough parking.
  • 500–528 Broadway Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Fire Works - 45 minutes and still sounds like M80's going off.
    Show us you got this CPD
  • 500 Broadway Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
  • Chelsea Ma 02150 United States - Chelsea
    There are fireworks all over the park and most of them are under the large trees. They need to be removed and something needs to be done about them. The fireworks could set the trees in the park on fire especially if they are lighting them under the trees
  • 46-106 Watts St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Why no street sweeping, if rubbish can be collected our streets can be cleaned---I hope the city leaders don't let the city go to pot because of the virus, we must keep the city as clean as possible especially during this time
  • Bike IssueLa qiray
    Fifth St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Snow not cleared from bike path.friday morning