Chelsea, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 196 Closed Issues: 5,879 Acknowledged Issues: 175
  • 93 Washington Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Russell recycle truck has dropped broken glass on the street.
    it has happened every time the truck stops in the neighborhood.
  • Other打開
    8 Tudor St Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    This man is clearly looking to steal packages. I watched him going back and forth our street and try opening some porch/entrance doors (luckily ours was looked)
    Be aware. White man, white hair
  • Other打開
    208 Spencer Ave Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Motorcycle racing Webster, Eastern Broadway. Ongoing issue. If it happens every day —-can the CPD enforce ??? It is getting worse with the SAME 2 riders the guess work is done. All we need is u guys to take over from this issue!! It should not be coming home from my essential job that I unable to relax in my home.
  • 292 Spruce St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Fireworks continue to go off every night sometimes well past midnight. It is way out of hand! It isn’t like you can’t see where they are going off, same locations every night. Please do something about it.
  • 102 Blossom St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    There is no need to shoot off fireworks at random times of the day or FOR HOURS at night. It disturbs the whole neighborhood, let alone the safety issue. I’m sure their neighbor doesn’t know they are shooting them off into the tree right by their house.
  • Other應答
    One Webster - Chelsea
    Dog Abuse - dog barking all day . When it see children it barks when it sees any people it barks.
    It must be alone all day. For last 3 days
  • Other打開
    124 Washington Ave Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Loud music after 10pm 124 Washington street, this place has always has had the worse tenants - city manager can you enforce or help , Is there any rules or laws a landlord needs to send to their tenants as far as loud music late hours , trash on the ground..the rest of us working citizens would like to have a peaceful night unlike the no work sleep late tenants there. I hate to bother CPD every-night for this if a landlord can send a letter there has to be something
  • Other應答
    35 Franklin St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Strange water leak in the middle of Franklin St, between Fremont and Harvard. Does this mean a water main is leaking?
  • Other打開
    8 Lawrence St Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Exposed wires on Pole on Lawrence Street
  • 44 Gerrish Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    There's broken at the box district (inbound) stop taking over the entire walk way. Some shards are large enough to break through shoes if someone isn't paying attention.
  • Other應答
    36 Shurtleff St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    it seems there was am attempt to take one of the small soccer goals from the park
  • Lamppost應答
    Crescent Ave & Vila St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    May a lamppost be installed on the corner of Vila and Crescent, if there is not one already? Otherwise, please can a lightbulb be installed? Thank you!