Chelsea, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 196 Closed Issues: 5,879 Acknowledged Issues: 175
  • Other應答
    2–98 Hawthorn Ct Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Construction dumpster is now blocking half of Hawthorne Court Street next to community garden. Construction company was wearied multiple times not to do this and now half of the active roadway is blocked forcing cars to drive in the dirt. Please send CPD and ISD over immediately to clear. I realize this block is at the bottom of our City Managers priority list, but it is near Eastern Mineral so maybe he may care a little more.
  • Other應答
    60 Washington Ave Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Uneven road surface out front of 60 Washington Ave. inbound toward Fay Square.. brutal, awful, horrible... needs attention ASAP
  • sidewalk應答
    157 Washington Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    sidewalk on side on Cary Ave along side 157 Washington Street was left a mess by paving contractor
  • Other打開
    16 Willard St Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Baby raccoon in broad daylight... he’s cute, but also, concerning.
  • Other應答
    455 Washington Ave Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Car parked after the Stop sign. Makes it hard for 2 people to come up/down the hill.
  • 159-189 Shurtleff St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea

    This has gotten out of hand, everyone In the city can hear it day and night coming from the same spots. Why aren’t the police doing anything about it? My take is they are actually responsibly for bringing so much surplus fireworks into the city and distributing them to low income high density areas so when they are used exsessively Wich they obviously will, we only have one place to look twords to stop it and that’s the police. Perfect way to keep peoples sentiments twords you when nationwide people are turning against you. This And/or these people who have imported so many fireworks are making the population unwittingly used to so many explosive sounds for some reason, some upcoming event.

    If I’m wrong then why haven’t the police done a thing about it because this is completely ridiculous to say the least and should be Seriously investigated.

  • 75 Bellingham St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    There was construction last week and it was finished in one day. They have left the street cones on the side walk and people are using them for parking space savers. Please have your DPW Dept pick up the cones. Thank you
  • Other應答
    101 Park St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    This metal box is on the middle of the sidewalk what is the purpose of this it's very dangerous
  • oak tree應答
    195 Webster Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    I can't believe they just chopped down that beautiful oak tree on Webster Ave, there aren't enough trees as it is, now the squirrels have no acorns. Why was that necessary?
  • Washington Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    For the past several nights, people have been lighting off fireworks on and near Washington Ave. This is extremely disruptive as A) this is extremely dangerous to be done by non-professionals near peoples homes, which could very easily catch on fire. B) they light them during the week when working individuals and their children are trying to sleep. This is ridicuouls and needs to stop. And finally C) they leave the fireworks remnants scattered in the street, littering and devaluing the area.
  • water應答
    53 Maverick St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    water coming out like a yellow color. I know some part of Chelsea is having this issue
  • 148 Central Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Used dirty needle found at backyard steps of 148 Central Ave. Chelsea Police business office called and we were told to dispose of it ourselves.