Chelsea, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 196 Closed Issues: 5,879 Acknowledged Issues: 175
  • 75-105 Everett Ave Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Cars waiting to get into the drive thru entrance of the 83 Everett Ave. Dunkin Donuts are constantly blocking the
    street early each morning. Has anyone contacted the owner?
  • 74 Grove St Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Yelling and screaming coming out this residence. It’s getting annoying!
  • Other應答
    275 Beacham St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea

    You need to address the lack of lane painting on Beecham, especially now that it’s paved in Everett more people are driving on it.

    There is a serious accident this morning in front of the Produce Center right now.

  • Stray dog應答
    569 Broadway Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Brown Chihuahua. No collar or tags. between the fence and library building. Was frightened when I walked by and ran off.
  • Other打開
    Chelsea Ma 02150 United States - Chelsea
    Tons of fireworks going off right now at 1:30 am. They are really loud & they do not stop.
  • Other打開
    500–528 Broadway Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Its difficult to understand why Eastern Ave - morphs into a open speedway, SAME person I have observed numerous racing. Today alone. Working from home - on Zoom - colleagues on conference call could even hear this noise.
  • Other應答
    149 Marlborough St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    This hydrant at 149 marlborough st is on the middle of the sidewalk is blocking a handicap person with a wheelchair or a mother with a stroller can not go on this sidewalk please look in to this and remove this hydrant, thanks.
  • Other打開
    31 Tudor St Chelsea 02150, United States - Chelsea

    Our neighbor backed into this tree. The trunk is completely snapped, so the tree will die.

    Can the city please remove this tree and replace it? It’s a shame to see a nice tree knocked over due to someone’s careless driving.

  • 263 Second Street Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Entire market contaminated and nothing done by the city to stop its spread. This is a crime in itself. Nobody has masks, companies not enforcing social distancing. Discussing and this will be made apparent everyday
  • Other打開
    120 Washington Ave Chelsea MA 02150, United States - Chelsea
    Abandoned and unregistered vehicles are not allowed.
  • 2 Fitz Ter Chelsea, MA, 02150, USA - Chelsea
    Hi - there always seems to be cats roaming Chelsea and they get into my yard. This one doesn't appear to be fixed as it has sprayed all over my yard this fowl smell. He won't leave and is hissing at my dogs scaring them. This one has a collar.
  • Other打開
    76 Shawmut St Chelsea, MA 02150, USA - Chelsea
    This dog waste station needs to be empty please and also needs plastics bags .