City of Manchester - Police PLUS
Open Issues: 196
Closed Issues: 1,862
Acknowledged Issues: 251
Homeless EncampmentAcknowledged27 W Merrimack St Manchester, NH 03101, USA - Manchesterhomeless encampment has been here now for over two weeks still nothing has been done. These people are refusing help as there are open beds in the shelter. legally they can and should be removed. if active drug use and public defection are not enough of reasons to remove this encampment. Then please list your address so they can be moved in front of your house instead of mine.
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged1178-1180 Elm St Manchester, NH, 03101, USA - ManchesterA recent post helped to explain the situation on Elm St and Bridge St, where people feel it is their god given right to make as much noise as possible crossing elm st to race over the bridge. It has been loud enough to set off car alarms in the garage of our building at 1200 Elm St. It became dang near threatening to us when we said it was a problem here and was told outright that from now on they will make it their mission to be as loud as possible. They have followed through on that and the noise is out of control. It sounds like gun shots or is so loud it wakes us up with our windows closed. It’s not a joke anymore. I request speed bumps or the speed sign or a speed trap be placed on Elm and/or Bridge st bridge. Thank you very much for your time.
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged256 Wilson St Manchester NH 03103, United States - ManchesterBetween 8-9 pm every night neighbor aggressively drives his loud motorcycle and/or red car up Wilson and around the surrounding neighborhoods His exhaust is illegal on both motorcycle and cars and he is purposefully doing this because I've reported him for threatening me This has been going on for over a month
24 Head St Manchester, NH, 03102, USA - ManchesterWhite construction van still in the parking lot of the pool, homeless people still sleeping in the parking lot right next the the pool and playground been reported multiple times but still there every night for many months currently there right now
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged42.98548 -71.48235 - ManchesterPeople are stealing power from a utility box that is between the rail trail and Douglas Street Four or five people were huddled around the box
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged406-420 Pine St Manchester, NH, 03104, USA - ManchesterCan we get some enforce at the park. The homeless are taking over the park. It is dirty, trash all over the place and hazard. Average citizens are scare to go this park.
Police (Non-Emergency)AcknowledgedPiscataquog Trail Manchester NH 03102, United States - ManchesterMultiple dirt bikes on the rail trail running walkers off the trail
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged90-98 Bradley St Manchester, NH, 03103, USA - ManchesterSomeone camping in the out of service bus stop on Bradley St. This is a consistently repeated issue.
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged159 Cartier St Manchester, New Hampshire, 03102 - ManchesterThere is a black sports car possibly a Toyota with no muffler that is owned by the person on the second floor of 159 Cartier St that reeves its engine all hours of the day and night then races around the neighborhood at top speed. In addition to the noise, it is just dangerous. He is going to hit someone one day.
Police (Non-Emergency)Acknowledged230-248 Hanover St Manchester, NH, 03104, USA - ManchesterBronstein Park has been overrun by homeless encampments and needs to be cleared out. Cannot enjoy the park with open air drug use and tents set up.
Police (Non-Emergency)AcknowledgedStark Park Manchester NH 03104, United States - ManchesterOn the northern most entrance to Stark Park & At the bottom of the S curve on the right hand side there is a path leading into the woods that looks like the homeless are living there
Homeless EncampmentAcknowledged829 Hanover St Manchester, New Hampshire, 03104 - ManchesterWhy is this person here everyday?? I believe that he also sleeps across the street.