Town of Swampscott PLUS

القضايا المفتوحة: 194 اصدارا: 1,879 قضايا المعترف: 1,056
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    56 Buena Vista St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Are barrels of leaves labeled as such still picked up or did something change? I put out a barrel of leaves today and it wasn't picked up. I can leave it out there if they can come back tomorrow...
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    Suffolk Ave Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    It has been an ongoing issue with trash and recycling. They are leaving my barrels literally in the middle of the street and leaving my neighbors barrels in the middle of MY driveway where I have to move their barrels (multiple) so I can leave my driveway. This is every week and I see it happening to others on my street. Any help is appreciated.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    16 Hillcrest Circle Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    Old Appliances have been out on the curb for over two weeks. Two refrigerators and a stove.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    77 Pine Street Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Pine St. is experiencing a rodent problem. The rodents feed/thrive on poor trash management. Rodents are in and out of the trash at 77 Pine St all the time. This pic was taken on Thursday, by Monday (trash day), the trash bags will be all over the ground. The landlord of these units is not supplying his tenants with overflow bags, or the tenants are not purchasing them themselves. The overflow bags could be placed in the 'old' barrels (seen on the left of the pic), thus keeping all trash bags in barrels with lids and out of reach of the rodents. Something needs to be done about this, or we'll never reduce the rodent/disease threat on this street filled with children.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    5 Mudge St Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott

    Corner of Mudge, hillside and cherry. Weeds, trash and broken glass bottles.

    Mor peopel are coming to litter section not being maintained by landlords or city.

    Please help. Multiple rats have been seen because of this.

  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    Pine St & Superior St Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    It appears an unintended/unforeseen consequence of Swampscott's new smaller trash barrel policy is the explosion of rodents on our street (and I assume other streets). A good 40% of residents on this street now put the overflow bags directly onto the sidewalk/street (much to the delight of the rodents).
    So, here's the very real problem (of a street full of kids and rodents that carry disease).
    What's the solution? Can the town mandate overflow bags be placed in barrels (with lids) that residents must provide? That would work, but unfortunately many have discarded the old barrels that were deemed 'too big.' Or does the town provide a second 'small' barrel and mandate overflow bags be placed in it?
    This is a health/disease issue that cannot be ignored; something needs to be decided/done before the rodent explosion in the spring. I was only able to upload one picture, however I counted six overflow bags that were placed directly onto the ground and were clearly enjoyed by rats (and that was only half of the street). Please don't ignore this in the hopes it just solves itself. The rodent infestation on this street and the danger it causes to our children is a direct result of the town's decision to implement the new smaller trash barrel policy and not plan for the second and third order effects of it.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    59 Franklin Avenue Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott

    The resident at 59 Franklin has disposed of an old carpet by leaving it on the parkway. It has been here rotting for about two months. Can we please advise the resident to take care of this?

    Hate to see the neighborhood deteriorate.

  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    54 Foster Road Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    I am a neighbor of the property of 54 Foster Road.
    One photo depicts the backyard grass which hasn’t been cut in a year in a half.
    There are animals that have taken up residence in the overgrown grass and get into my yard at night.
    Last weekend my dog killed a rabbit that could have possibly come in from that property.
    The second picture depicts trash that has been left on the stoop for two and a half weeks.
    As you again can see animals have gotten into the trash and is of grave concern.
    Last week while cutting my lawn a wild Turkey was feeding off the trash and had to keep my head on a swivel for concern the turkey might attack.
    I would appreciate the matter being addressed.
    Thank you!
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    100 Middlesex Ave Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - Swampscott
    broken glass bottle shards (lots of little pieces) near center court in the basketball court. a kid threw a glass bottle. poses a danger to all the little kids running around.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    01907 Swampscott, MA, USA - Swampscott
    Trash all over the ground in Jackson Park.
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    33 Norfolk Ave Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Leaf pickup on one side not the other
    Norfolk Ave
  • Trash & Recycling Issuesتم إقراره
    15 Barnstable Street Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Leaf bag pick up was supposed to be today, multiple bags not picked up