Town of Swampscott PLUS

Open Issues: 238 Closed Issues: 2,025 Acknowledged Issues: 1,053
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    Swampscott Massachusetts - Swampscott
    Old oak at 515 Puritan Road has some dead branches that need trimming. I made a request in the fall, so I am following up.
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    28 Devens Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    The tree on the curb in front of the front steps to 28 Devens Road is dead and should be removed for public safety reasons.
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    Farragut Rd & Paradise Rd Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Overgrown plants block the sidewalk
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    22 Thomas Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott

    Can you please prune the limbs on the Oak Tree overhanging our driveway?


  • ForestryAcknowledged
    35 Buena Vista St Swampscott MA 01907, United States - Swampscott
    Extreme overgrowth into the street
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    24 The Greenway Swampscott MA 01907, United States - Swampscott
    Bushes over growing the sidewalk so pedestrians have to go into the street
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    515 Puritan Rd Swampscott MA 01907, United States - Swampscott
    Beautiful, large oak tree has dead branches that are falling in the street, sidewalk and our property. Was wondering if tree warden/forestry could trim back the dead branches. Thanks!
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    126 Stetson Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    More branches have fallen and need to be picked up from the Maple tree in front of 126 Stetson ave. This tree is not healthy. It has several dead limbs and is a danger. It needs to be removed before it causes more property damage or someone is injured
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    Jessie St & Tidd St Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Overgrown and needs trimming again.
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    86 Nason Road Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    Tree is deteriorated and is dangerously at risk for falling down and hitting electrical power wires.
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    166 Walker Rd Swampscott MA 01907, United States - Swampscott
    Who is maintaining the micro-forest? It looks like an abandoned lot and is an eyesore!
  • ForestryAcknowledged
    61 Burrill St Swampscott MA 01907, United States - Swampscott
    The large oak tree at which overhangs the patio at Swampscott Public Library has multiple large dead limbs Could forestry department please assess and prune? Thank you!