Town of Swampscott PLUS
Open Issues: 238
Closed Issues: 2,025
Acknowledged Issues: 1,053
Storm DrainsAcknowledged284 Forest Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottOur sewer line backed up 2 weeks ago. Company came out with cameras and said Problem is pipe in the street. Left a voicemail about this at dpw as well. Sewer line back up again today. Drain company back out.
Storm DrainsAcknowledged65 Bay View Drive Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottDirt and gravel washed down Oak Rd and into two catch drains on Bay View causing street flooding. Unless cleaned up before more rain will make conditions worse
Storm DrainsAcknowledged31 Fuller Ave Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottThere is a storm drain that runs through my backyard When it rains water leaks out of the manhole cover that is in my backyard and floods the backyard (and my neighbor's yard) This is not only a physical property risk but also a public health issue with bacteria and chemicals leaking into my yard where my 2 young children and dog play Can the drain please be cleaned to prevent this?
Storm DrainsAcknowledged30 Franklin Avenue Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottSomeone cleared out the grating of this storm drain in front of 30 Franklin and threw the debris, including paper and garbage, onto the sidewalk. Can this please be picked up?
Storm DrainsOpen37 Thomas Road Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottThe storm drain on Elmwood corner Thomas is not draining very well. Most of the water flows down to lower Elmwood.
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledged108 Essex Street Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottThere's been an ongoing issue at the light of Burrill and Essex when approaching from Burrill. Most often it's after school hours. There's an issue with the sensor so the traffic from Burrill never gets a green light. The light rotates from Essex to Burrill (left turn lane green) to Essex St. having the green fully. It then repeats. The line of cars on Burrill will extend past the train station and eventually the beeping starts, followed by a chain of cars running the light to get onto Essex. While this is unsafe, it is fully necessary and acceptable. Fix the light please!
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledgedEssex St & Stetson Ave Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottPedestrian light not working.
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledged351 Essex St Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottThe crosswalk signal is not working on Essex St at Stetson Ave
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledged101–113 Essex St Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottThis light has not been working for almost a week now Makes it impossible to turn left Can we get fixed?
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledged165 Paradise Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottThe traffic light near / around 165 Paradise Road - across from Clarke Elementary is continuously ignored by the drivers. It is an accident waiting to happen, a child will be hit there. I have witnessed on at MULTIPLE occasions the ‘walking sign is on’ and 3-4 cars speed through it. As an adult I pay attention but this is an unsafe situation and someone will get hurt soon. I’m sure this isn’t new information, please advise if there is anything being done around this. Thank you.
Traffic Light IssuesAcknowledgedBurpee Rd & Essex St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottThe green light for the side (short) pole in the southwest-bound lane is out.