Town of Swampscott PLUS
Open Issues: 237
Closed Issues: 1 973
Acknowledged Issues: 1 076
Streetlight IssuesAcknowledgedMonument Ave Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottFlickering streetlight.
Streetlight OutAcknowledged55 Berkshire Street Swampscott, Massachusetts - SwampscottIt's out, the one next to it further down is also out, but it looks like there isn't a bulb unit attached to the arm.
Streetlight IssuesAcknowledged285 Forest Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottStreetlight out
Streetlight IssuesAcknowledgedCherry St & Essex St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottWires still down. Kids were pulling on them the other day.
Streetlight OutAcknowledged64 Magnolia Rd Swampscott, Massachusetts - SwampscottIt looks like the light was fixed last week but its out again.
56 Humphrey Street Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottTraffic light at this busy crosswalk has been out for several weeks. This is my second time reporting this safety concern. Please and thank you.
1-15 Sutton Pl Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottStreetlight was broken in storm, electrical components and shards of glass lying in sidewalk
300-302 Essex St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottThere are two LED street lights that are not working on Essex St. near the curve for the bridge at the Commuter Rail. One is pole 77, second is pole 80. Would you please put in a work order? The dark curve is dangerous. Thank you!
32 Bay View Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottStreetlight is still out across from 29 / 31 Cedar Hill Terr
1 Bay View Ave Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottStreet light out at corner of bay view and greenwood