Town of Swampscott PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 194
Problèmes Clos: 1 879
Problèmes Pris en compte: 1 056
Quarry IssuesOuvert44 Nichols Street Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottBlasting during bad weather conditions when air is blowing towards residents’ homes.
Quarry IssuesOuvert38 Westview Road Lynn, MA, 01902, USA - SwampscottThere was a blast today from the Aggregate quarry that was so strong it itcaused excessive vibration that actually caused the furniture in our house to move. In 9 years, there has never been that kind of disruption in this location. Others have confirmed it was from the quarry and that they also were impacted more than usual. It was excessive.
Quarry IssuesOuvert40-52 Danvers Rd Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottAnother blast, a day after the other.
Dead AnimalReconnu22 Monument Ave Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottDead rat near front entrance to town hall. Likely poisoned.
Dead AnimalReconnu47 Gale Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottNot dead animal but aggressive coyotes. Two coyotes tried to take my puppy out of the yard this morning. My older dog chased them off but this is one of many times I have seen multiple coyotes prowling the neighborhood in the morning. This was about 6:30 AM but I have seen them as late as 8:30 when the sun is much higher.
Dead AnimalReconnu91 Stetson Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottDead and likely poisoned rat on driveway.
Dead AnimalReconnuBurrill St & Middlesex Ave Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottDead rat on stairs leading up to inbound platform of Swampscott train station.
Dead AnimalReconnu217–223 Burrill St Swampscott MA 01907, United States - SwampscottDead pigeon under bridge
Dead AnimalReconnu58 Essex Street Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottDead skunk in the middle of the road on Essex St.