Town of Swampscott PLUS
Vấn đề Mở: 236
Vấn đề đã Đóng: 2.025
Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 1.053
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận421 Essex Street Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottSide walk from 421 Essex street (inclusive of this house and until Shell gas station (399 Essex street) in front of some houses on this stretch still has snow and ice - a week after snow storm. Is there any enforcement on the home owners or oversight from the town to ensure these are cleared up? Kids / adults / strollers etc. use this side walk. Its a safety issue.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhậnEllis Rd & Hampden St Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottGiant orange traffic/construction barrel on the sidewalk blocking access and begging for a bored teen to toss it around.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận21 Beach Ave Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - Swampscottsidewalk in very poor condition
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận11 Minerva St Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottSidewalk next to tree needs to be fixed. Many people trip on it!
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận284 Forest Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottPlease remove snow mound on corner of Pinehill and Forest Ave.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận177 Bradlee Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottThis water shutoff valve is broken and leaking, puddling on sidewalk.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhậnAtlantic Rd & Puritan Ave Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottSidewalk and gutters flooded - maybe a storm drain backup - all backup water is now frozen solid.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận440 Humphrey St Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - SwampscottHole in sidewalk near business entrance.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận12 Stanley Road Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - SwampscottPlease replace heaved concrete sidewalk at #12 when you replace heaved concrete sidewalk at #19 with new concrete.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận222-222 Burrill St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - SwampscottBig piles of bird poop under the bridge at the train station
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận54 Aspen Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
Is it possible to grind down sharp curbing to dull edge? We have lost about 4 tires in the past 3 years.
Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận1035-1065 Loring Ave Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
I walked this section today and the situation is deplorable.
The fact that this has been previously reported a month ago is also deplorable.