Town of Swampscott PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 236 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 2.024 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 1.044
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    76 Burpee Rd Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - Swampscott
    You have no category for repairs of public property.So I chose this category.The problem is the hurricane fence surrounding the soccer field behind the high school has become detached in a section to the right of the main gate just behind the storage shed. thank you.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    81 Middlesex Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    The back of 81 Middlesex (on the Hampden side) floods every time it rains and the sidewalk is unusable form the puddle. In the winter it’s a sheet of ice. Can someone address this? I can see it’s been reported before.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    1035-1065 Loring Ave Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott

    I walked this section today and the situation is deplorable.

    The fact that this has been previously reported a month ago is also deplorable.

  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    54 Aspen Road Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott

    Is it possible to grind down sharp curbing to dull edge? We have lost about 4 tires in the past 3 years.


  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    222-222 Burrill St Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Big piles of bird poop under the bridge at the train station
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    12 Stanley Road Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    Please replace heaved concrete sidewalk at #12 when you replace heaved concrete sidewalk at #19 with new concrete.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    440 Humphrey St Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Hole in sidewalk near business entrance.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    Atlantic Rd & Puritan Ave Town of Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Sidewalk and gutters flooded - maybe a storm drain backup - all backup water is now frozen solid.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    177 Bradlee Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    This water shutoff valve is broken and leaking, puddling on sidewalk.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    284 Forest Avenue Swampscott, MA, 01907, USA - Swampscott
    Please remove snow mound on corner of Pinehill and Forest Ave.
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    11 Minerva St Swampscott, Massachusetts, 01907 - Swampscott
    Sidewalk next to tree needs to be fixed. Many people trip on it!
  • Sidewalk IssuesĐược thừa nhận
    21 Beach Ave Swampscott, MA 01907, USA - Swampscott
    sidewalk in very poor condition