City of Chicago PLUS
Open Issues: 17
Closed Issues: 35,461
Acknowledged Issues: 4,568
3032 S Princeton Ave Chicago, IL, 60616, USA - Armour SquareAbandoned cars on the street. Can’t pick up leaves
4101 W 19th St Chicago, IL, 60623, USA - North LawndaleHazardous cars on vacant lot
Windows busted
Leaking fluids -
1631 W Armitage Ave Chicago, IL 60642, USA - Logan Squaredamaged vehicle left in parking area of Clybourn metra station
4635 S Prairie Ave Chicago, IL, 60653, USA - Grand BoulevardHazardous cars on vacant lot leaking fluids and busted windows
4544 W Chicago Ave Chicago IL 60651, United States - Chicago Ward 37ATV parked on street 4409 w Walton
Abandoned VehicleADIは、1801 S Indiana Ave Chicago 60616, United States - Near South SideAbandoned bike, appears to be result of attempted theft/vandalism.
4909 W Grace St Chicago IL 60641, United States - Portage ParkExpired temp plate from june. Hasn't moved in over a month.
Abandoned VehicleADIは、3841 West Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois - West Garfield Parkgray fully damaged vehicle