Malden Local Notifications PLUS

Offene Fälle: 164 Geschlossene Fälle: 384 Anerkannte Fälle: 48
  • PotholeÖffnen
    Summer St Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 4
    Will Summer Street be paved before the end of 2024? Last reported it was scheduled to be done in April???
  • 68 Regent Road Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 1
    Water pipes in front of the following properties on Regent Road were replace several years ago and the sidewalks were tarred. The tar needs to be removed and replaced with concrete. The properties are 22, 31 and 68 Regent Road. Also, the curb in front of 68 Regent needs to be repositioned. Thank you.
  • 19 Thacher St Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    Will the city be fixing the sidewalks on Thacher where work was done earlier this year? It's black top that is not level with cement. It's a tripping hazard.
  • Clarendon St & Main St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1

    Unmarked cross walk from Converse Ave to Clarendon St across Main Street. I frequently use this cross walk but motorists cannot see it because there is no signage, it’s difficult to spot pedestrians trying to cross, and they are often speeding. My suggestion is to add pedestrian crossing signs and/or blinking lights.

    Thank you for your consideration!

  • 518 Fellsway E Malden 02148, United States - Malden Ward 3
    Dangerous sidewalk repair by Water Dept contractors
  • 52 Hancock Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1
    It has been well over a month or more, since the utility company tore up the sidewalk. Root debris still on sidewalk, and the side walk has not been replaced.
  • 37 Goodwin Ave Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 5
    This is the back side of 27 Gordon St.
    It is across the street from 37 Goodwin Ave - an elderly woman has fallen over with the sidewalk being in such bad conditions! The entire street and sidewalks are a mess on Goodwin Ave and the children have a hard time riding bikes or scooters but the main issue is an elderly woman who has fallen a few times on this particular spot!
  • 45 Almont St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 7
    The sidewalk due to do over growing tree.
  • Canal St & Charles St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1
    Intersection is lacking ADA-required warning pads on the sidewalks
  • 2-8 Swains Pond Ave Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 6
    The city was notified of this hazard 7 years ago! Once again, this morning, I was 12” away from getting hit buy a driver that speeds through this stop sign so they can get onto Lebanon. The city needs to make this intersection a roundabout or an actual light. The sidewalk is insufficient and extremely dangerous. The city has been notified for years of the hazardous condition, and yet nothing has been done. With school starting up, this is even more of a danger to children and danger from careless drivers. Fix this situation. Extend the sidewalks, create an actual parking lot for the convenience shop, put in a stop light that makes people stop. Do something that makes this safer!
  • Neal St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 6
    A water company had done major work on the corner of Granite St. and Neal St. They were here for several days. They left metal material, scraps and tubing under a tree on the right side at the entrance to Neal St. I feel this is very dangerous to be left on the side of the road. Many young children live in this area - not safe for walking or biking. Could the City of Malden please take care of this dumped material? Thank you.
  • 152 Linden Ave Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 4
    On the corner of Linden Avenue and Clifton Street - The stop sign is slightly turned and people have been going through the stop sign. park is right near there and there’s been many close calls.