Malden Local Notifications PLUS
Solicitações em aberto: 156
Questões Encerradas: 377
Solicitações Reconhecidas: 43
Sidewalk or Curb RepairReconhecida32 Seaview Avenue Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 5We recently had out side walk repaired ( on Baker Street) and while the side walks were getting repaired the folks damaged our side of the property on Baker Street (stone wall) and at the time we were told that they will just put it back without cementing it and after the side walk work is complete, they will cement it and put it back properly. It looks like they never cemented it back and this week it all came down again. I would appreciate if you would send someone to fix this. Please let me know if you need any further information.
90 Converse Avenue Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 1I was told by Councillor Crowe that Converse Avenue would be graded and repaved by end of Fall.
I have been told this several times and hope it is not a False Hood as the Avenue could pass a way to see if your shocks will hold up. -
OtherAberta49 Washington St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 4Another prime example of road construction going on and absolutely no notification that the street you’re currently driving on is closed and you cannot go all the way through so you must turn around and go back the way you came. I’m unsure why it is such a hassle to provide residents notification at the beginning of a street at the street is in fact closed.
Sidewalk/driveway Reconhecida67 Regent Road Malden, Massachusetts - Malden Ward 1A couple of weeks back they replaced water pipes on the street to sidewalk. When laying the cement they left a huge gap between the driveway and the sidewalk and the front of the flower bed. It’s a hazard. When winter comes it’s going to be a issue for myself getting in my drive way. This is the second complaint I’ve made about this issue and nothing has been done.
Parking / Traffic SignsReconhecidaExchange St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 4Exchange street parking has become a hazard
Sidewalk or Curb RepairAberta29 Corey Road Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3Corey road was recently resurfaced with new curbing. The problem is that between 29. Corey road driveway and 51 Corey curbing or some type of berm / curbing wasn’t installed to stop the flow of water from going behind the newly installed curb causing extreme washout of my lawn. Currently I have sandbags to stop the flow. Additional pictures available if needed.. Sincerely Gregory Rogers 51 Corey Rd
Fall St PavingReconhecida17 Fall Street Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3Any update on when they will be returning for finish paving on Fall St? The edges are pretty rough right now and water was pooling after the recent rain. We had our cars parked elsewhere for the entire week 11/7-11/17 and no work was done.
Sidewalk or Curb RepairAbertaFaulkner St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 5Please! Add ramps to protect bikes from the sharp edges of the sidewalk to bike path! Bikes are being ruined because of careless construction
Sidewalk or Curb RepairAbertaWest St & Thacher St Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 2non-compliant sidewalk done by constructor that creates this slope at 15% which is almost double the maximum of 8.3%.
Sidewalk or Curb RepairAberta302-306 Pleasant St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2While walking with a neighbor who is in a wheelchair last night we found that there are no curb cuts in the sidewalk on either side of the driveway to the T parking lot. Could those please be added? My neighbor would like to travel to Malden center with less doubling back and less jaywalking.
Sidewalk or Curb RepairReconhecida63 Robert'S Street Extension Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 8Hi, I previously submitted this issue. Recently there has been street repair near our area but they stopped right where the Roberts Street extension begins. I do not understand why. Our Robert Street extension is very uneven with big holes and patches of asphalt added by Nation grid when they did the gas line repairs. Could you please pave our extension street as well?
Parking / Traffic SignsReconhecida40 Claremont St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 8I am again curious why road work is being done in the Linden School area and as a home owner in that area I find this out due to a detour sign in front of my driveway? Could you please notify the neighborhood before having a major detour running through it all day?