Engineering PLUS

Open Issues: 48 Closed Issues: 965 Acknowledged Issues: 441
  • 350-454 Mix Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    Per usual, Seramonte is not removing snow on this part of their sidewalk for the public to walk on. This has been an ongoing issue for years. The corner on cross-streets Mix/Benham is also not cleared, but I believe that is Sacred HeartSchool's responsibility to maintain .r
  • 710 Circular Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    Sidewalk hasn’t been shoveled by home owner all winter causing a hazard.
  • 773 Pine Rock Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    Sidewalk has not been shoveled for any of the recent snowstorms . Children have to walk in the street on this busy/ high traffic road to get to thier bus stop. The house seems to be unoccupied .
  • 1182 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Hamden
    The gas station at the corner of Whitney and Augur has not removed the snow on the Whitney or Augur sidewalks since the snowstorm on 2/9/25. This is a hazard, with elderly and disabled residents in the area.
  • 178 W Side Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    Snow covering the sidewalks from last 2 storms . Children can’t walk on the sidewalk to get to school at Helen st and getting off the jr high bus stop
  • 610 Pine Rock Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    The sidewalk has not been shoveled any of the snowstorms that have happened so far. It’s right across the street from the school.
  • 1174 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Hamden
    This is the gas station at the corner of Whitney and Augur. It is also a bus stop and a well traveled area. The gas station has not yet opened but somebody must own it and should clear the sidewalks.
  • 325 Fairview Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    sidewalk not shoveled had to walk into street with my dog
  • Farmington Canal Greenway Trail Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    The snow removal contractor hired by DLC Management has apparently plowed the snow from 1245 Dixwell Avenue onto the Farmington Canal Trail The company has been unresponsive to a direct request to address this problem A significant piece of the trail is blocked and the freeze/thaw cycle has left a sheet of ice, creating a hazard for trail users
  • 71–99 Vantage Rd Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    This sidewalk is frequently obstructed with overgrowth and generally uncared for. The fencing has also fallen down. Would prefer the home owner was responsive for their property over it being done with my taxes.
  • 92 Glen Pkwy Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring Glen
    Resident called in to request that the sidewalk on Meadowbrook Road be inspected. Tree was uprooted (and removed) during hurricane and the sidewalk is sticking straight up in the air....
    Please evaluate accordingly.
  • 239 Knob Hill Dr Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - test hamden SL
    The brushes branches are too long and making the sidewalk un-walkable.