Engineering MAIS
Drainage IssuesReconhecido112 Chatterton Way Hamden, CT - HamdenThe owner of 112 Chatterton Way called to indicated there is a large area of ponding water in the pavement that runs into his yard. He is asking that the area be repaired to solve the ponding.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido938 Wintergreen Ave Hamden, Connecticut - Hamdenengineering department stated a few years ago they were going to replace the storm drains across from my house. during rain storms drains clog and water flows down my lawn and a large pool of water stages in front of my front porch. this causes leaks in my basement and all the rugs get wet. also this has damaged my retaining wall. I need someone to come and meet me in regards to this problem. Videos and pictures regarding this issue will be provided.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido119 Filbert St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring GlenWater leaking up between the sidewalk and the curb.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido94 Nutmeg Hill Rd Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden_Feature 001
There is no drainage installed in the Cul Del Sac in Nutmeg Hill Road, so when it rains there's a large amount of water that pools right along the curb.
It's causing a lot of weeds to grow in that are and a lot of the growth has gone under the paved street. If anyone can take a look, that would be appreciated.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido165 Building Brook Rd Hamden, CT - Hamden
I'm writing to you in regards to an ongoing issue that has yet to be addressed by the town about Building Brook Road. I live at 165 Building Brook Road, on the dead end side and have been having street drainage issues since the re-paving of the street 4 years ago in September 2014.
As you can see in the photos and videos attached, there are multiple issues that are leading to severe drainage problems. The pitch of the road, the lack of town regard for the drainage area on the opposite side of the road (cleaning of ditch, proper drainage pipes, clearing of season brush from town property), and the lack of acknowledgement of our suggestion to add a curb to the affected areas to block the immense water runoff from cascading down onto our property.
I have previously submitted an email to the town back on February 9th, 2016 where I got a response stating:
"Thank you for your email and I’m sorry to hear of your difficulties this morning. I will pass along your concerns/request to our Public Works Department and ask that they review the situation for possible remedies. With more snow in the forecast they may not be able to address it immediately but will get to it as quickly as they can. Thanks for your patience!"
While the response was appreciated, no further action was taken on the town's part.
On January 12, 2018, I submitted SeeClickFix ticket #4026079 to address the same drainage issue and suggested a small curb be placed along the road near the edge of our property to prevent the water from cascading down. It was, again, acknowledged, but no action was ever taken.
Attached are images and video that have prompted me to write yet another email (and will be submitting another SeeClickFIx ticket). While I understand today's rainfall has been unprecedented, the amount of erosion and damage that has been caused to our property today (and since the repaving) is inexcusable. A solution needs to be determined, whether that is to re-pave the road to pitch it away from our property back into the drainage area, to re-dig the drainage ditch on a consistent basis to make it effective, or to install a curb in front of our property to prevent this from occurring again. With winter quickly approaching, this is sure to remain an issue. As proud town residents, we feel neglected and frustrated by the lack of concern or care on the town's part.
My wife and I would like to come in next week to speak to someone about this ongoing issue. Please let us know who we need to contact to set up this meeting.
Again, please see the Google Photo linked videos and photos below documenting today's damage, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you, and I look forward to a response
Drainage IssuesReconhecido11 Weybosset St Hamden, CT 06514, USA - Hamden
There are several drains in this area.
That routinely are clogged, and during heavy rains, this area gets flooded and blocks the main road and surrounding area.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido155 Hampshire Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - test hamden SL
I am writing to you because my wife and I are elderly and we are having a flooding problem in our garage and basement due to the recent torrential rains on June 22 and 23. We have already lost stored items (essential items) because our driveway was built on a slope and we are receiving all the rainwater from the entire street because there is no stormwater sewer catch basin in front of our house that can drain all the water from the street during rain storms. Previous years we have had the same problem, but I never complained because we were younger. Now, old, retired, with back problems, and on social security, I cannot continue having losses like the ones I am having. I would like the city of Hamden to put a stormwater sewer catch basin in front of my house as soon as possible.
Ricardo Dominguez
155 Hampshire Drive (Hampshire Road)
Hamden, CT 06518 -
Fans Rock Rd & Leatherman Trl Town of Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - HamdenSTILL a problem. Drain is in the WRONG place and has been forever. Requests were made to have it moved when both streets were paved. It wasn't. The ice floe has started and today, there was no sand or salt spread so anyone coming in does a slid and anyone going out has to "gun it" before the ice. PLEASE address this issue before an accident occurs.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido84 Belden Rd Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenWould like for someone to inspect the sidewalk/drainage issue..seems every year it holds more and more water and when snow is removed or melting there is think sheet of ice even ice melt doesn't help. Hazard to pedestrian.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido425 Sterling Pl Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenOver the course of the ten years here the wetlands area next to our house has become more full of water than ever. It used to mostly dry up but has not been dry in well over a year. Because of this mosquitos are a huge problem as the weather gets warmer. This is also causing issues to houses on Norman road where backyards are full of water: i have been told that there are drains in these areas that used to get cleaned periodically. I do not believe this has happened in some time. I believe others have complained on Norman road about this and would like to know if this is being addressed at all.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido261 Braeside Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden_Feature 001Major water problem. This issue have been going on since 2018. This needs to be addressed! Please advise.
Drainage IssuesReconhecido100 Victoria Ct Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - HamdenThe property located at 100 Victoria Court has a drain in the middle of the driveway. The drain drains onto the sidewalk which freezes over in the cold weather covering the sidewalk in ice. The icy sidewalk is unsafe to pass on causing a pedestrian to have to walk in the street which is also unsafe.