Engineering MAIS

Questões Abertas: 40 Questões Encerradas: 964 Questões Reconhecidas: 441
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    56 Morse St Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    Sidewalk in very bad condition. Unlevel, trip hazards.
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    93 Denslow Hill Road Hamden, CT - Hamden
    Sidewalk is lifted and damaged from a tree. Please investigate and have it repaired
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    70 Ford St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Hamden
    The storm ysterday caused a very very large city tree to peel up from the ground roost and all it peeled back all the grass cement pathway and crumbled the side walk in fron of my hose and the house next door as well as part of my drive way extremely danger ous. Waiting on UI to remove huge tree the are laying on othe streets power lines and is on our house as well as the house next door.
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    136 Thompson St Hamden CT 06518, United States - Hamden_Feature 001
    Sidewalk severely damaged
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    145 Bradley Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Sidewalk cracked and uneven
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    35 Maher Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - Hamden_Feature 001
    Hello my daughter has fallen once again playing on the sidewalk due to the cracks. I have filed a new report with the image of her scrape. We have small children in our family. They would like to be able to run and play safely in my front yard. Unfortunately the existing cracks make that virtually impossible without someone falling and it ending in tears. Please repair the sidewalk.
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    141 Circular Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Sidewalk area by driveway very poor condition. Please evaluate.
  • Curb RepairReconhecido
    148 Circular Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Curb is broken between 144 & 148 Circular Ave
    Also sidewalks need to be repaired from 142 thru 156, actually you should look at the whole block from Bradley Ave to Wilbert
    I requested sidewalk repair for 148 in January 2019 , was told it was added to 2010 schedule please update. Thank you
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    280 Fairview Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Please evaluate the sidewalk for repair. Elderly resident
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    54 Woodlawn St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring Glen
    There is a hole underneath the sidewalk: a large crack has appeared. You can see that the area underneath the sidewalk is not supported by the ground. The sidewalk is very hazardous. We have previously reported that this sidewalk needed repair and it was approved for future repair by the town. This needs urgent attention.
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    52 Churchill Rd Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring Glen
    Tropical storm uprooted large tree that was located on the curb outside this address. When tree fell on the property, the sidewalk and curb got severely damaged as well. Power line is currently down on the property so we have not approached the area to take a picture yet.
  • Sidewalk RepairReconhecido
    87 Hesse Rd Hamden 06517, United States - Hamden
    Big liability trip hazard.