Engineering IYO
Fur Arrimaha: 48
Arrimaha xidhmay: 965
Arrimaha la Qiray: 441
43 Belmont St Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - HamdenTree/ bushes blocking sidewalk. Couldn’t pass by with wheelchair
Sidewalk ObstructionsLa qiray97 Cardo Rd Hamden, CT 06517, USA - Hamdencan't walk without going in the street
Sidewalk ObstructionsLa qiray1690 Shepard Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - HamdenTree came down , debris, cones, weeds, overgrowth, still not fixed.
616-636 Newhall St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenCars continue to park on sidewalk in front of no parking signs all along this area, again the signs are being damaged or removed for this ever ongoing issue. If they could park there without blocking the sidewalk, it would most likely be permitted. Please enforce the posted no parking signs blocking handicap egress to this area or remove them and create more sidewalk. The Federal enforcement agency has been notified of the ADA violation to assist in motivation for enforcement.
190 Santa Fe Ave Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring GlenObstruction on sidewalk. Plants overtaking sidewalk.
184 Fans Rock Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - HamdenI live in the neighborhood and walk here daily. The sidewalk hasn't been raked or maintained in years. There is a log across a portion of it, and also 2 boards that were up against a telephone pole but fell over onto the sidewalk.
626 Newhall St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenCars parking on sidewalk blocking sidewalk. Several in this area of 626 on both sides. The no parking signs are being taken down AGAIN as well. Please remind residents to not block sidewalk when parking illegally in front of NO Parking Sign.
319-555 Columbus St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenThis is supposed to be a sidewalk it is so overgrown I have to walk in the street when I walk by everyday. Someone could get hit by a car.
1561 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT 06517, USA - Spring GlenThe sidewalk in front of 1561 Whitney Avenue is blocked by overgrowth.
Drainage IssuesLa qiray285-291 Blake Circle Hamden, Connecticut - HamdenBetween 285 and 291 Blake Circle is a low area which I believe is for drainage. There is a large black plastic tarp over it now. How will the water drain and won't mosquitos breed in the resulting puddles? Note: there already are areas of water sitting on the tarp.