Engineering IYO

Fur Arrimaha: 40 Arrimaha xidhmay: 964 Arrimaha la Qiray: 441
  • 286 West Shepard Avenue And Paradise Avenue Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    At the corner of West Shepard and at the end of Parafise Avenue there is a thick layer or ice. Someone is going to have an accident very soon. I think there is a spring somewhere nearby and we are always having running water 💦 so when the temperature falls it becomes frozen. Our street never gets paved and no one seems to care about the danger people lives are in. Please don’t wait for someone to die. The water need to be channeled somewhere because it goes across the street. It is at a blind spot so that makes it more dangerous for people coming around the corner. Please come out before the temp goes up to assess the area.
  • 83 Hill St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    The storm pipe under lower hill street is too small amd has been in need of repair for the entire 26 years we've lived here. A survey was funded and completed years back, under the Jackson administration but we never heard anything about any work being done.
    Can this please be a.prioriry soon? I am disabled and it frightens me to not be able to leave home in an emergency due to flooding.
    We're begging for a larger pipe (though two, one on top of the other, would be better) to fix the issue. The lack of Paradise Country Club maintenamce of their property is another contributing factor, as there are fallen trees and large limbs everywhere.
  • 100 Carroll Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - Hamden

    I reside at 100 Carroll road, we have a dangerous ice accumulation that happens every year throughout the winter and it is getting worse, I don’t know where the water is coming from but the ice builds up in front of my driveway extending from our mailbox down the road and it extends further out to the street, this happens from the first freeze point through the winter and the buildup continues to form solid block of ice creating a dangerous condition. Please direct me as to who I can help with this, thank you for your help thank you for reading.

    Please contact me for additional help.
    Anthony Burroughs
    100 Carroll road

  • 50 Vernon Street Hamden, CT - Hamden_Feature 001
    Resident stopped by to complain about flooding on Whitney Ave and Forest Street. Water is collecting on Forest Street due to an imperfection of the new paved portion of Whitney Ave.
  • 25 Arcadia Ave Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden

    My house at 25 Arcadia experiences severe rear yard flooding basement flooding and with heavy rains basement flooding, This is a town issue, there is no curbing on a part of Battis road which abuts my rear yard, it is not my property but another homeowners on Battis road, there is no curbing on the North side of the road where the open grass area is and the run off flows freely into this grassed area and floods my reay yard and sometimes my basement and my neighbor's as well. This needs to be addressed, I do not know what the person who ownes the property says, but thats not my xoncern nor problem, this is a city roads and drainage issue which needs to be addressed, very soon, as I can not have this continue. I would hope and expect that someone will look into this and be in touch with me on this very important issue......
    Pictures attached...........

    Also, by 34 Arcadia, there is a very old cast irin catch basin grate set in asphalt. The one across from it was replaced yeats ago, but does not remove the water because of the crown in the road. This old catch basin has been reported for clogging and floodiing constantly today as well, the roadway floods and nothing is ever done, the catch basin is very very old and Needs to be vacumed cleaned and replaced.. I have many pictures of my yard, my nasement, my neighbors yard and the street basin... but your system will only allow 1 upload

    Robert Maluk
    25 Arcadia

  • 10 Deepwood Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    There is a significant amount of runoff water that comes from the street onto the property. This started happening a few years ago, after the paving/refinishing of the road.
  • 11 Weybosset St Hamden, CT 06514, USA - Hamden

    There are several drains in this area.

    That routinely are clogged, and during heavy rains, this area gets flooded and blocks the main road and surrounding area.

  • 938 Wintergreen Ave Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    engineering department stated a few years ago they were going to replace the storm drains across from my house. during rain storms drains clog and water flows down my lawn and a large pool of water stages in front of my front porch. this causes leaks in my basement and all the rugs get wet. also this has damaged my retaining wall. I need someone to come and meet me in regards to this problem. Videos and pictures regarding this issue will be provided.
  • Dest And Anns Farm Rd Hamden, Connecticut - test hamden SL
    Water leaking on road and freezing over night large amount of ice. Intersection of dest and Ann's farm road.
  • 94 Nutmeg Hill Rd Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden_Feature 001

    There is no drainage installed in the Cul Del Sac in Nutmeg Hill Road, so when it rains there's a large amount of water that pools right along the curb.

    It's causing a lot of weeds to grow in that are and a lot of the growth has gone under the paved street. If anyone can take a look, that would be appreciated.

  • 155 Hampshire Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - test hamden SL

    I am writing to you because my wife and I are elderly and we are having a flooding problem in our garage and basement due to the recent torrential rains on June 22 and 23. We have already lost stored items (essential items) because our driveway was built on a slope and we are receiving all the rainwater from the entire street because there is no stormwater sewer catch basin in front of our house that can drain all the water from the street during rain storms. Previous years we have had the same problem, but I never complained because we were younger. Now, old, retired, with back problems, and on social security, I cannot continue having losses like the ones I am having. I would like the city of Hamden to put a stormwater sewer catch basin in front of my house as soon as possible.


    Ricardo Dominguez
    155 Hampshire Drive (Hampshire Road)
    Hamden, CT 06518

  • 45 Weybosset St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Last year my house was flooded due to the drain in my backyard, and the nobody come to clean it I need answers and my neighborhood need help with this issue. Thanks !!