Public Works PLUS
Offene Fälle: 465
Geschlossene Fälle: 3.512
Anerkannte Fälle: 123
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnenTurner Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - HamdenPlease consider this street for repaving this year!
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen30-68 Glendale St Town of Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenTwo big potholes in the middle of Glendale Street in front of 44 Glendale.
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen40 Glendale St Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenThere are two large potholes in front of 44 Glendale Street. These holes are getting larger each week and are in desperate need of repair.
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnenCircular Ave & Newton St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden2 pot holes at the beginning of Newton and circular ave
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen50 Cook St Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - HamdenThere is a very deep pothole outside of 50 Cook street, Hamden Ct that many cars are constantly falling into. Please remedy as soon as available.
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen2–16 Glen Pkwy Hamden CT 06517, United States - Spring GlenOn glen pkwy at intersection of Whitney
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnenMill Rock Rd & Wadsworth St Town of Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenThere is a pothole on Millrock right before the tennis courts.
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen06514 Hamden, CT, USA - HamdenBuilding Brook Road right off of Wintergreen Ave... Huge pothole... Needs to be filled before it swallows an animal or small child...
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnenDickerman St Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - test hamden SLHi PW, Dickerman st. has a bunch of potholes, and getting worse. Can those be patched? Thank you
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen111 Thomas St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenHi, 101 Thomas Street is my address. They road crews came through to do some prep for the repaving last week. But since then we’ve had A LOT of rain and there’s been a lot of erosion as you can see from the pics. It is getting hard to get in and out of my driveway and my neighbors are having similar issues. The entire side of the street has this “gashes” of missing road because it’s been washed away because of the rain. When will they be back to finish?
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen60 Colony St Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - Hamden_Feature 001There is a depression on the edge of last winter’s gas line fill. It doesn’t photograph well because there isn’t yet a pothole. Twice I have called town services. First for repair, then for painting around the drop which is taking drivers unaware. There isn’t good contrast.
Road & Pothole RepairÖffnen44 Cobblestone Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - HamdenThere is a hole in the pavement near the water drainage grate