Public Works PIU
Problemi aperti: 465
Problemi chiusi: 3.479
Problemi presi in atto: 119
110-146 Treadwell St Town of Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenThis park is a mess! Dirty diapers, used condoms, overflowing trash cans, and the weeds are out of control. The benches and playground equipment are in disrepair. Please come fix this!
Canal Line, Parks & PlaygroundsRiconosciuto283-295 Pine Rock Ave Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenSwing broken Carusone park
Blight - GeneralApri159-219 Brook St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenLots of garbage and broken glass at entrance to park
190 Treadwell St Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - HamdenThe sidewalk in front on Denicola Park is never shoveled by the town. It’s town property and should be cleared after each storm
Canal Line, Parks & PlaygroundsRiconosciutoFarmington Canal Heritage Trl Town of Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden_Feature 001Mirror is now completely gone after being broken since the summer
41.33755 -72.93447 - HamdenLots of stray garbage along this stretch: Alling to Morse and even a little farther north than Morse .
60 Wadsworth St Hamden CT 06517, United States - HamdenWhat time do the lights turn on at Villano park on the tennis courts and the basketball courts?
125 James St Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden_Feature 001The gate at Legion Park playground is broken. The side closest to the baseball fields.
1-17 Sanford St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden_Feature 001On the canal trail on one of the hills when going south past the Sanford st over pass (before the tunnel)there is a patch of gravel and dirt/mud from all the rain we’ve had. When going down the hill it makes for a dangerous bike ride especially when someone is coming up the hill. Is there anyone who can sweep/shovel it off to make for a safer ride? The Smilow Closer to Free 25 mile riders will be traveling on this in September.
524 Brooksvale Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - HamdenThe park was mowed recently (Thank-you!) but...between the poison ivy, bittersweet, ticks and mosquitoes, it would be great to have the overgrowth trimmed back from pathways, walkways and even the pond.
120 Treadwell St Hamden CT 06517, United States - HamdenThe new donkey rocker has a loose handle. People keep putting the bolt back in, but it has been completely detached