Public Works PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 301 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 3.752 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 129
  • Tree Removal & TrimmingĐược thừa nhận
    2750 Dixwell Ave Hamden CT 06518, United States - Hamden_Feature 001
    Please finish taking down dead/damaged pine trees bordering my/the towns property. The process was started but never completed. I always have branches/pine needles in my yard. Perhaps planting arborvitae in their place for privacy. Thank you. started but never cmpleted. Ialwaysnhavef branche/ pine needles in my yard. Perhaps you can lok at plantg
  • Tree Removal & TrimmingĐược thừa nhận
    32 N Sheffield St Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - Hamden
    My lawn guy is saying this tree is decaying and deteriorating. For years I keep having branches in my driveway, front yard, sidewalk, walkway & parking spaces. My lawn guy kindly removed a big branch from in front of my house that caused a lot of debris in the street as well
  • Tree Removal & TrimmingĐược thừa nhận
    77 Hillcrest Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Dead tree limb over hanging onto street. Breaking off and falling onto passing cars.
  • Tree Removal & TrimmingĐược thừa nhận
    68 Renshaw Rd Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - test hamden SL
    There are a lot of trees growing around/near the powerlines. They really should be trimmed to prevent severe potential damage from a storm.
  • Tree Removal & TrimmingĐược thừa nhận
    Raccio Park Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden_Feature 001
    Raccio Park Rd, needs Trimming
  • 43 Robertson Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - test hamden SL
    Tree rotted.
  • 156 Lakeview Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    Please remove the dead tree trunk across the street from 156 Lakeview Ave. Rotting pieces keep falling. Thanks.
  • 15 Timberwood Trl Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden_Feature 001
    Large limb broke off on tree at entrance to the waterfall. I was able to cut back the portion blocking the waterfall entrance. I stacked it next to the tree. However, main part still entangled to tree and a hazard.
  • 32 Greenhill Rd Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Large tree on town property dying and dropping large branches. Should be trimmed or removed
  • 105 Beacon St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    The tree in front of 105-107 Beacon St needs to be trimmed. The lower leaves are in the path when walking on the sidewalk. There are limbs that are falling and growing around lines from the pole.
  • 840-904 Gaylord Mountain Rd Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden
    This tree branch has been on Gaylord mountain road opposite to 850 Gaylord mountain rd. for the past 6 months. can you please clear it. Thanks.
  • 77 Hillcrest Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    tree is dropping dead branches on traffic below