Public Works PLUS
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Tuttle Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - HamdenTuttle has become so dangerous. Many many dead trees hanging over the road. Everytime there is even a little wind big branches fall. It is only a matter of time before one of the many many dead trees falls on a car or person. The road needs major tree work. It is very dangerous. Large trees on the edge of the road. Wallingford and Cheshire have done their part to maintain their sections. Hamden needs to step it up and make safety along this road a priority. This is a busy road and can not be neglected by Hamden anymore.
Dessa Dr & Orchard Ct Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - Spring GlenDead tree between sidewalk and street. Branches occasionally falling.
164 Goodyear St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - HamdenI’ve been calling for 4 years to have a tree removed that is condemned u.i has come and did what they can and also made a call to have the tree removed no one has come out yet there big branches that can fall and cause damage can someone please address this problem
180 Hill St Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - HamdenTree is dead and limbs are hanging over the road. One of these days a limb is going to fall on a passing car and injure someone. Please remove this tree.
65 Wright Ln Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - Spring GlenI called, in December I believe, but perhaps earlier, to say that our arborist (licensed) had told us that the tree directly in front of our house on the city right of way was splitting, and in danger of falling over, and that the town needed to remove it. There is a danger that it might fall and hurt or kill someone. As I say, I called, and spoke to someone who said that the office would be in touch. But that was half a year ago, at least, and no one has been here, as far as I can tell, to see for themselves, and no one has been in touch. Our phone is 203 407-0663. I am not eager to have the tree come down, and would be happy to learn that it is safe as it is, but really, it shouldn't be neglected. --Shelly Kagan
45 4th St Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - HamdenResident came into Engineering requesting Tree Trimming for the branches that are overhanging and/or near the roof of the property. Just reporting this through SeeClickFix.
72 Pickwick Rd Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - Hamden
Hi, we appreciate our street being cleaned this weekend. Only issue is that our front walk way broke off (see photos) with the weight of the heavy machinery being used to pick up the leaves on the side of the road. The digger was being used to pick up the leaves and hit the cement cracking it all the way down.
We were hopeful someone would be in contact with this distinction of our walkway but no one has. Therefore I am reaching out to see how you can best fix this walkway for us? Would someone be sent to fix it or should we find someone to fix it and bill the City of Hamden?
Thanks for your help with this!
1301-1347 Whitney Ave Town of Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - HamdenA dead animal was placed on the sidewalk, but I can't tell what it is from this side of the road. I decided to submit this in case it should be removed. I couldn't find a better category than "leaf & brush pickup."
67 Smith Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06517 - HamdenWill there be leaf and brush pickup on Smith Drive? We have a few bags out, and we’re hoping they would be taken. Thank you!
113 Jennifer Rd Hamden CT 06514, United States - HamdenLeaf pile in the street needs to be collected. Why did they skip this one?