Public Works PLUS
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Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 129
214 Washington Avenue Hamden, CT - Hamden_Feature 001The town plow to a sewer pipe cap off in my front yard.
289 Shepard Avenue Hamden, CT - Hamden_Feature 001Owner stopped by the Mayor's Office on 05/31/2018 @ 12:15PM to complain that her mailbox and driveway shirk has been damaged over the winter months. She has requested twice that this be fixed. Could you please reach out to her at your convenience? Thank you
24 Guenevere Ct Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamdenthis corresponds to the torn asphalt and potholes on Guenevere Ct' cul-de-sac. There is damage to from plows to the curbside borders.
93 Melrose Dr. Hamden, Connecticut - test hamden SLStreet pavement in front of 93 Melrose Dr. (near mailbox) broken up by winter snow plowing. Broken pavement and granular asphalt. Needs repair.
Blight - GeneralĐược thừa nhận108 Ct-10 Hamden, CT 06514, USA - Hamdenelectrical wires are tangled in a tree and hanging over the sidewalk on Arch Street in Hamden in front of 108
188 Putnam Ave Hamden, CT 06517, USA - HamdenWhy is there no category for utility poles? This old SNET pole has already snapped. This not an issue with a street light but if I put this in utility trenches then it will sit in someone's inbox for months. It looks like UI started something here at some point but now...sheesh.
Blight - GeneralĐược thừa nhậnServoss / Mather St Trail Servoss St, Hamden, CT 06517, USA - Hamdenshoes of a lace hanging on a wire
356 Putnam Ave Hamden, CT 06517, USA - HamdenThe street lamp on this utility pole is either totally broken or well on its way to that point.
194 Putnam Ave Hamden, CT 06517, USA - HamdenThe street lamp on this utility pole is either totally broken or well on its way to that point.