Office of the Mayor PLUS
Open Issues: 152
Closed Issues: 770
Acknowledged Issues: 31
General IssuesOpen1562 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring GlenStreet lights are out. Dangerously dark.
General IssuesAcknowledged205 Helen St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - HamdenResident of Helen Street called us at Public Works to report a dead animal in front of her house at 205 Helen Street.
Blight - GeneralAcknowledged179 Russo Dr Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - Hamden
To whom it may concern:
I’ve called the Hamden police department numerous times to report this illegal boat and trailer parked on Russo Drive. It is causing a traffic problem on dead end street and blight to the neighbors. Please have someone look into this matter asap.
Thank you
Concerned neighbor on Russo Drive
General IssuesAcknowledged1954 State St Hamden 06517, United States - HamdenThis decorative street light in front of the State Street DMV has been our for many months. I’d like to get it back on please and for the streetscape to get a planned full clean up and power wash for the spring please.
General IssuesOpen850 Mix Ave Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden_Feature 001My grandfather is currently at the Arden Rehabilitation center at 850 Mix Ave Hamden CT and this place has no center air or ac units. With the weather being in the 80-90 degrees. Is there an explanation as to why this place have no central air for the residents or workers.
General IssuesAcknowledged36 Notkins St Hamden CT 06514, United States - HamdenThe Street Light is out
General IssuesOpen110 Blue Hills Ave Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
The residents of this address have a dog that is left outside and allowed to bark constantly while the owners seemingly do nothing to prevent it. This needs to stop; others in the neighborhood with dogs are considered enough to not allow this. Why can't this house also be considerate like those those around them?
This will probably be the first of many noise complaints for this address.
Ardmore Street Hamden, Connecticut - Spring GlenSouthern CT Gas's contractor parks their heavy equipment on the street overnight. The large vehicles block sightless and should not be allowed to park in residential neighborhoods. United Illuminating's contractors park their trucks in private parking lots. SCGs contractors should as well. They are a safety issue when parked on residential streets.
General IssuesAcknowledgedAugustine St & Woodin St Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden78 more housing opening up in the Nice new community. Woodin St and West Side will definitely need some speed bumps. Is it possible to have nice curb appeal near the new apartment to make Woodin St side look nice as well. Woodin St side where trees are looks really bad.
Thanks -
Blight - GraffitiAcknowledged4285 Whitney Ave Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - HamdenGraffiti on fence, Whitney Ave.
194 Knob Hill Dr Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - test hamden SLCan I please get a “thank you first responders lawn sign”
Blight - GeneralAcknowledged2750 Dixwell Ave Hamden, CT, 06518, USA - Hamden_Feature 001In May I reported that Center One property on Colony Street was unkept with overgrown weeds. In the past, this property was kept trimmed and orderly however it is unsightly. Public Works claimed it was due to the "hill" and that drainage was an issue. This was never true in the past and in 40 years I have never seen drainage issues at this site. Now 3 months later, the property has not been touched and the weeds are hanging into the sidewalk making it impassable.
Can someone trim this town owned property!