New Haven: Internal PLUS
Public Space, Streets and DrainsΑναγνωρισμένο100 Chatham St New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Chatham SquareEvery once and again there’s a periodic review of postings and old requests are closed. However there’s been a LOT of discussion but no action taken on Issue ID 5439 and Issue ID 8658. These issues were posted - respectively - 5/15/2009 and 9/28/2009. Will the City of New Haven and/or Dept. of Public Works please give a definitive answer or time table regarding the resolution of these requests?
Sidewalks and Curb damageΑναγνωρισμένο119 S Water St New Haven, CT, 06519, USA - City PointCurb knocked up by plow.
PotholesΑναγνωρισμένο153 Blatchley Ave New Haven CT 06513, United States - Fair HavenVery scarred pavement
Parks RequestΆνοιγμαLighthouse Point Park - East Shore
I just returned from a morning visit to Lighthouse Park. While the common terns and osprey were beautiful, a few other things were not:
1. Speeding cars -- people fly down the driveway in the park. Perhaps install some speed bumps and more signage about the speed limits in the park?
2. The bathroom situation is confusing, and there is no open snack bar!
3. There was litter everywhere, likely leftover from the weekend. I realize that the parks department is low on staff, and no one should be littering to begin with, but why wasn't it cleaned up? It makes for a really unpleasant visit to the beach. What's more, the park's summer camp kids play in that area -- and it's filthy. If all else fails, give the kids some plastic gloves and some trash bags, and ask them to clean up the sand. Maybe that will inspire a new generation to think twice about littering.Please put more money into our parks department. It's ridiculous that we have a mayor who says he's pro-environment when he allows our parks to fall into disrepair (and, worse, promotes the expansion of the airport in a migration corridor!).
Public Space, Streets and DrainsΑναγνωρισμένο31 Marie St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Fair Haven HeightsI’ve been on marie for over 12 years and this street has never been paved the city came and dug gas connections to a few homes I believe switched from oil to gas and the street is bumpy and cracks everywhere. It would be nice lf it could get paved we could ride bikes roller skating or just simply walk on a nicely paved street for a change .
Sidewalks and Curb damageΑναγνωρισμένο168 Dover St New Haven 06513, United States - Chatham SquareCurb is completely missing and crumbling at 164 Dover St
Public Space, Streets and DrainsΑναγνωρισμένοDyer St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Beaver HillsDyer street is in need of street paving as you drive down towards bottom of hill from boulevard you hit pot holes. Please pave street
Public Space, Streets and DrainsΑναγνωρισμένο323 Orchard St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - West River12 inch diameter sink hole in the middle of the street. It's about 8-12 inches deep.
Sidewalks and Curb damageΑναγνωρισμένοMelrose Dr & Hawthorne Rd New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - QuinnipiacCurb damage due to plowing at one corner of Melrose Dr and Hawthorne Dr and on Hawthorne, right hand side if turning from Melrose Dr, just before Hawthorne Dr side street.
Drainage RequestΆνοιγμα1274 Forest Rd New Haven, CT, 06515, USA - WestvilleThe storm drain appears clocked and overflows every time it rains. Last night this made Forest Rd impassable.
Public Space, Streets and DrainsΑναγνωρισμένο38 Sherland Ave New Haven CT 06513, United States - Fair Haven Heights
Last year (spring 2023) SCG started a 3 phase project to replace the gas lines on my street (Sherland Ave). SCG completed 2 of the 3 phases, summary below:
- Completed placing the new lines in the street
- Completed the internal house gas line
- Open, they did not finish connecting & relocating the gas meter outside of the houseI have reached out to SCG but they have not called me back.
- Do you know when SCG will be completing the 3rd phase?
- Why there has been a delay?
- Who else should I contact?Thanks for your help with this matter.
Sidewalks and Curb damageΑναγνωρισμένο50 Arch St New Haven 06519, United States - HillTree roots lifting sidewalk. Trip hazard.