New Haven: Internal PLUS
Open Issues: 78
Closed Issues: 1,007
Acknowledged Issues: 134
Drainage RequestOpen1274 Forest Rd New Haven, CT, 06515, USA - WestvilleThe storm drain appears clocked and overflows every time it rains. Last night this made Forest Rd impassable.
Public Space, Streets and DrainsAcknowledged100 Chatham St New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Chatham SquareEvery once and again there’s a periodic review of postings and old requests are closed. However there’s been a LOT of discussion but no action taken on Issue ID 5439 and Issue ID 8658. These issues were posted - respectively - 5/15/2009 and 9/28/2009. Will the City of New Haven and/or Dept. of Public Works please give a definitive answer or time table regarding the resolution of these requests?
56-86 Canner St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East RockPeople drive too fast on canner and do not stop for cross walks or at the stop sign, this is dangerous for people in wheelchairs who need time to cross the road
Public Space, Streets and DrainsAcknowledged31 Marie St New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Fair Haven HeightsI’ve been on marie for over 12 years and this street has never been paved the city came and dug gas connections to a few homes I believe switched from oil to gas and the street is bumpy and cracks everywhere. It would be nice lf it could get paved we could ride bikes roller skating or just simply walk on a nicely paved street for a change .
Drainage RequestAcknowledged89 Lenox St New Haven CT 06513, United States - Fair Haven HeightsRoad drains are needed here. Standing water on road Both sides of the driveway entrance
Sidewalks and Curb damageAcknowledged1183 Quinnipiac Ave New Haven, CT, 06513, USA - Fair Haven Heightsat least a 6" difference in surface levels of sidewalk creates a dangerous situation for pedestrians.
In addition the left side yard is filled with debris and junk, a shame because a nice job rehabbing the property -
Parks RequestAcknowledged69 Front St New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Fair HavenStone dust path in Q River Park abruptly ends into the muddy shoreline. Path needs to be diverted inland and connect to other path along the river.
Parks RequestAcknowledged73 Front St New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Fair HavenStone dust path in Q River Park has sunk and is hazardous due to erosion. Rain and the tide washes the stone dust into the river. This area needs to be built up and a barrier placed near the water to stop the erosion.
Sidewalks and Curb damageAcknowledgedAnthony St & Earl St New Haven, CT, 06515, USA - AmityThe corner of Earl and Anthony Streets is in need of a handicap ramp. Also, the street is lacking curbs.
Drainage RequestAcknowledged1-35 Franklin St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Wooster SquareReceived complaint Of flooding issues With drain at the bottom part of the photo attached. Please look into this matter
Sidewalks and Curb damageAcknowledged738 Orchard St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - DixwellSidewalk deteriorated, asphalt patch, minimal curbing.
Sidewalks and Curb damageAcknowledged76 Hudson St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - DixwellPlease inspect sidewalks from 76-84 Hudson St.