New Haven: Internal PLUS
Open Issues: 77
Closed Issues: 1 007
Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 133
Drainage RequestGodkänd142 Curtis Drive New Haven, CT 06515, United States of America - WestvilleFlooding. Numerous emails sent to alder and other people in new haven. Street flooded all the time. Couldn't park in my own driveway yesterday because police blocked street. Been a problem for over 5 years. Water continues to pour into my basement.
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd64 Canner St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - East RockThere is no curb in front of 64 canner. This makes it impossible to maintain the easement area with grass or mulch. Additionally, the driveway lacks an easement to the street so people constantly block our driveway.
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkändDean St New Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East ShoreThere are road cracks since the digging at Tweed Airport started on Dean and myron street. Not sure if this has caused structural damage to the houses. When speed is a factor and big trucks it the man holes and the area where the cracks are the house shake so bad you think the house is going to collapse.
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd60 Ogden St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - Prospect Hill
Phil Langdon asks me to post this issue for him: “For as long as I’ve lived in the neighborhood (39 years), there’s been an approximately 10-foot-long section of Ogden Street that’s missing a sidewalk. For a long time, the missing sidewalk was not a big problem. But in recent years, as roots have protruded above ground, that stretch of missing sidewalk has become a hazard for pedestrians. In the winter, that sidewalk is not shoveled, which adds to the danger for people walking on Ogden Street.
Could you ask the City to install a sidewalk on that short stretch of Ogden St?”
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd470 Howard Ave New Haven, Connecticut, 06519 - HillAt the curb line on Howard Ave in front of 470 The road against the curb area has a deep depression that holds water and debris that is hazardous because people step off the curb into the deep depression and fall into the water that sits there.
2 people have fallen into the depression in that area. -
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd1179 Chapel St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - DwightMy building is on the corner of Chapel and Park 1179 Chapel St. This location is very busy especially with people walking. Unfortunately due to snow removal damage has happened. Please can this be fixed to keep the beautiful of this corner in New Haven . Thank you in advance.
Loretta Bonaldo owner -
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd747 Quinnipiac Ave New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Fair Haven HeightsI have reported this numerous times. My sidewalk was damaged by city construction. This happened approximately 4 years ago, when the city was replacing sidewalks on Quinnipiac Ave to Clifton St. Further damage happened when sewer lines were worked on twice in a 2 year period. Construction vehicles parked on my sidewalk, causing damage to both the sidewalk and my retaining blocks.
Lombard St & Atwater St New Haven, CT 06513, USA - Chatham SquareAnother accident at this intersection last night. If it keeps happening it's clearly an infrastructure issue. Speed table would help.
Parks RequestÖppnaPark Dr New Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East ShoreWhatever happened to the plan to renovate Lighthouse Park's snack bar? When I was recently at the beach, I watched visitors with children walk to the snack bar only to be disappointed when they found it shuttered. The park charges a lot of money to out of town visitors who attend the beach. The occasional, inconsistent food trucks are hardly an option. Please reopen the snack bar.
680 Townsend Ave East Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East ShoreThe pavement at the intersection of Woodward Ave and Raynham Road has deteriorated significantly this season and is a danger as drivers seek to avoid the holes by veering into oncoming traffic.
Sidewalks and Curb damageGodkänd115 Girard Ave East Haven, CT, 06512, USA - East ShoreHello,
The curbs in front of the house are broken and create a danger to the seniors getting off the bus.
They are all broken and need repair/replacement. Please tell us if there is any plan to pave any of our street sin the Morris cove/Annex area. We have many streets Stewart/Girard/Burr Street near airport that have not been paved in years. We have been forgotten in this neighborhood and the taxes are high here.
Thank You for you assistance in this matter!! -
Parks RequestÖppna776 Whalley Ave New Haven CT 06515, United States - WestvilleBroken or non functional lights at the basketball Court