Millbury, MA PLUS

Open Issues: 144 Closed Issues: 106 Acknowledged Issues: 44
  • 14 Thomas Hill Rd Millbury 01527, United States - Millbury
    One of 4 Capt Simpson Road, Millbury, MA dogs is roaming free, loose, not on leash, not under anyone’s control nor without any person in the neighborhood again.
  • Mildred Ave Millbury, MA, 01527, USA - Millbury
    A citizens came in town hall to report she saw two coyotes walking down Mildred Ave this morning
  • 11 Thomas Hill Rd Millbury MA 01527, United States - Millbury
    Dakota continues to be loose in the neighborhood and other people's yards, terrorizing neighbors. This dog is vicious. The owners need to be held accountable, rather than just allowed to make excuses. Please actually do some thing this time, before someone is injured or mauled.
  • 11 Thomas Hill Rd Millbury MA 01527, United States - Millbury
    Dakota was loose again terrorizing the neighborhood in neighbor's yards, which is a continual occurrence. This dog is very aggressive and will likely attack someone Please take action to prevent injury, since the owner(s) isn't doing anything to protect neighbors..
  • 252 Millbury Ave Millbury, MA, 01527, USA - Millbury
    Dead skunk in the middle of the road
  • 14 Thomas Hill Rd Millbury MA 01527, United States - Millbury
    The dog “Dakota” aggressively charged at me growling, showing its teeth and foaming at the mouth while on the public street. Based upon its vicious behavior, I was seriously afraid I was going to be bitten and attacked. One of the persons associated with the dog owner called the dog, but it ignored her and she did nothing to intervene or retrieve the dog. This is a extremely aggressive and dangerous dog. Something needs to be done, before someone is attacked.
  • 188 Millbury Ave Millbury, MA, 01527, USA - Millbury
    Barking Dogs
  • Main St + Millbury Center Millbury, MA 01527, USA - Millbury
  • 25 Dolan Rd Millbury, MA, 01527, USA - Millbury
    Container of trash remains on Ramshorn dam since summer. Never emptied.
  • 178-188 W Main St Millbury, MA, 01527, USA - Millbury
    Trash in parking area at Brierly pond. Has been there for a few weeks.
  • 283 W Main St Millbury, MA 01527, USA - Millbury
    the handrail at end of dock at boat ram has snapped off and is laying on the dock
  • 2–4 Woodrow Rd Millbury 01527, United States - Millbury
    Illegal posting of bills on public signs