City of Cambridge (Powered by Leland Cheung) PIU

Problemi aperti: 38 Problemi chiusi: 134 Problemi presi in atto: 9
  • 625 Concord Avenue Cambridge, MA - Cambridge

    The new sidewalk cycle track on Concord Avenue near Fresh Pond is dangerous and uncomfortable to use.

    It crosses numerous side streets and commercial driveways. Car drivers turning in or out don't expect bicycles on what looks like a sidewalk.

    And at each driveway, the track dips down and then up again. All these bumps make for uncomfortable riding.

    The previous configuration had perfectly usable bike lanes.

    The older two-way track between the rotaries is even worse. It crosses even more driveways, and at each one, there's a granite curb which crosses the track diagonally and gives a big bump. There are also random poles and granite posts on the path.

    To "solve" the safety issue at driveways, they painted crude stop signs on the pavement. That doesn't fix what's an inherently dangerous facility.

    Please do not add cycle tracks to any more streets in Cambridge.

  • 1098 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Wellington-Harrington
  • 1108-1124 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Wellington-Harrington
    Looks unstable and unsafe; have all permits been filed for this building renovation?
  • 1664 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA - Neighborhood 9
    Traffic heading on the northbound side is given a green arrow to turn left on Shepard St. The sequencing to then allow cars to continue southbound should be more spaced with that arrow turning red because cars turning left always get caught in front drivers creating very dangerous situations
  • 5 Foster Place Cambridge, MA - West Cambridge

    help to shovel 2nd story deck & on-street parking,
    path to side door


  • 100-198 John F. Kennedy St Cambridge, MA - Riverside

    Every morning and evening the traffic backs up for a mile on each way when the light turns Red for Memorial Drive and Green is given to the JFK Street.

    The JFK Street has much less traffic and often is empty with Green light where as traffic on Memorial drive is backed up due to Red Light.

    Please, increase the time for the Green Light for Memorial Drive where most of the backup happens.

  • 595-607 Franklin St Mid-Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Riverside
    Illegal advertising
  • OtherApri
    975-989 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts - West Cambridge
    Now that there are finally TRAFFIC LIGHTS operational at Memorial Dr and Hawthorne St, the next PROBLEM is the LEGALLY PARKED CARS on Memorial Dr (West)...driving west along Mem Dr from JFK St, RIGHT LANE ENDS!! ( Except for 5 hours, commuter times)....I have witnessed many NEAR ACCIDENTS over the last 10 years!! PLEASE PUT MORE PRESSURE ON "dcr"....It is a total of about 20 car spots!!!! Most of the people parking here WORK IN HARVARD SQUARE!!! Just imagine being an "out of towner" and driving along here....I did finally get a sign put up to let people know the lane is about to close, but it is tiny and no one has time to read it...Silly!! Please let me know what better steps I should take to get this problem solved appropriately!! THANKS! M
  • 2179-2193 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge

    (right edge of photo, framed so location is clear)

    This branch is no higher than 5'8" at its low point overhanging the sidewalk.

  • 1840-1848 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138, USA - Mid-Cambridge
    Deep potholes that are not marked.
  • 262-264 Monsignor O'Brien Highway Cambridge, MA - East Cambridge
  • 960-961 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts - Riverside
    The sidewalk concrete is badly cracked on this section of the Memorial Drive sidewalk -- it's dangerous and inconvenient for bikers and anyone with wheels (e.g. strollers, people in wheelchairs, etc.)