City of Cambridge (Powered by Leland Cheung) PLUS

Open Issues: 38 Closed Issues: 134 Acknowledged Issues: 9
  • Potholeオープン
    73 Vassar Street Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Mit
    Pothole forming around a metal access panel, partially in north-side bike lane. Dangerous enough to catch a tire.
  • Potholeオープン
    20 Sherman Street Cambridge, Massachusetts - Neighborhood 9
    Sherman St corridor is riddled with patches and potholes making the heavily biked narrow road dangerous especially in the dark. Resurfacing should be considered.
  • Potholeオープン
    Memorial Drive & U.S. 3 Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Cambridgeport
    Big pothole!
  • 305 Webster Ave Cambridge, Massachusetts - Wellington-Harrington
    There are several large potholes in front of CLM Auto. Some of them are 2-3 sq ft, and down to the cobblestones.
  • Potholeオープン
    957 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 - Mid-Cambridge

    There is a large pothole at the corner of Bay St and Mass Ave. Anyone walking from Central Square to Harvard on the left side of the road will walk by (or into) it.

    I fell into this pothole 3 weeks ago and sprained my ankle. I am still unable to walk without exacerbating the problem and causing pain and swelling, and I need to take time off from work to go see a doctor about it, so I am pretty annoyed.

    This needs to be fixed before more people get hurt. I'm sure that I am not the first person to twist their ankle in this hole. It is in the walking path, and in a busy area with a bus station. Between cars, bicyclists, other pedestrians, and people milling around the bus station, there are other things to watch out for without the pothole.

    This pothole is not new. It shows up on Google's street view which was last updated in September 2013 as a patch job with a pothole growing beyond it. (see attached pic from Sept2013 Google street view). The pothole has since grown, and is much much larger, and the patch job has come up.

  • Potholeオープン
    Alewife Brook Parkway Cambridge, MA 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    Rt 16 before whitmore ave on the westbound side
  • Graffitiオープン
    267-271 River Street Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Cambridgeport
  • Graffitiオープン
    290 River Street Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - Cambridgeport
    Large tag on private building.
  • Street lightsオープン
    149 Willow Street Cambridge, MA 02141, USA - Cambridge
  • Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts - Neighborhood 9
    Northbound, the middle set of lights (next to 2A sign) has a right arrow indicator that is out.
  • 2235 Highway 2a Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge

    Hello Seeclickfix Folks,

    Not sure what can be done in this particular instance but I know many people (myself included), who have almost been struck by cars that refuse to stop for pedestrians in the Mass Ave crosswalk closest to Day St. I've lived in this neighborhood since 2006 and I'll have drivers not see me, drive around me, or accelerate at me (!) between 1-3x/week. I believe that drivers on Mass Ave have often just waited at a lights Dover St (southbound) or Rindge Ave (northbound) and are anxious to make it through the next set of lights without stopping.

    I finally had to say something when I witnessed a disabled woman stranded on the median between the north and southbound lanes this past weekend.

    Any effort to remedy the situation would be greatly appreciated!

  • 17 Gore Street Cambridge, MA - East Cambridge
    Car dealership constantly parks cars without Cambridge permits on the street and on both sidewalks (Gore Street and O'Brien Highway); do not regularly clear sidewalks after snow/ice.