Town of Enfield PLUS
Open Issues: 144
Temas cerrados: 8.587
Temas Reconocidos: 229
Health violationsAbierto30 Spring Garden Rd Sherwood Manor, CT, 06082, USA - polytest24 Spring Garden Road has an above ground pool in back yard that is green and seems to be attracting frogs which we have never had before. This property overall is violating Blight as well.
extremely bright lightReconocido98 Lake Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestI believe it's located in the back of 98 Lake Rd and shines directly into my front windows every night, all night. You can see how bright! Please can someone help me ask this person to address this asap??
Messy front driveway Reconocido7 Charles St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestFront driveway very messy with heavy work equipment, blue tarp, multiple pellet smoking devices for meat, chicken coop.
Misty Meadow Rd & North St Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestWhen trying to cross the road across from Misty Meadow and Grand Street vehicles do not stop for pedestrians. In addition, cars are speeding. There us a No Truck sign to enter North but no sign on North Maple. Therefore, trucks are consistently using this road which makes it very hard for the left hand turn on Elm or 190. Please put safety sign for traffic to slow it down or a speeding monitor. This is on close proximity to Hazardville School and its a bus stop. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
1268 Enfield St Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytestGoing north on Enfield St and turning left into Enfield High School it is easy to be confused and turn into the neighbors driveway. I have even seen someone turn into the wrong driveway and actually BACK out onto Enfield St. Possibly a fence between driveways and a painted arrow directing you into the Enfield High driveway would help.
2 Manhole covers Reconocido2-98 Theresa St Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestBoth covers on the street clunck loudly when driven over. The noise stated after the covers were removed for inspection of the lines.
Unkept Yard Maintenace Reconocido106 Pleasant St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestThis property has many overgrown weeds/bushes in their front yard. The bushes sometimes are overgrown and hang over the fence into the sidewalk making people have to walk in the road. Grass is not cut on a consistent basis in the front yard or back yard. You can see into the back yard and see many overgrown bushes/shrubs or weeds. The yard maintenance is very poor and unattractive.
143-143 South Rd Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestOne of the 2 red traffic lights north bound on Phoenix Avenue at the intersection of South Road is not working, leaving only 1 functioning light.
Loud booms in neighborhood AbiertoSun St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestThere have been a number of extremely loud booms in the neighborhood on several occasions over the past two weeks. Always during the day, not fireworks, almost like explosions. Cannot tell where they are coming from.
15 W View Dr Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestTown plow truck dump oil on both sides of the road. West View, West Shore. Wheeler.