Town of Enfield PLUS
Blighted PropertyReconocido4 Cedar St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytestunregistered vehicle on front lawn. junk all over back. not zoned for a business and the junk never moved. pool with no fence
Blighted PropertyReconocido155 Post Office Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestGrass way over grown can't see coming out of wagon or when on post office going left into wagon, cars have to pull out into road to see if there is oncoming traffic!
Blighted PropertyReconocidoTown Of Enfield CT, USA - polytest
This property was cleared back in May and many structures were taken down (finally)! Since then it has not been mowed and the area is not only overgrown but it's also a place for weeds to grow and spread as well as fungus and disease. This is also an ideal location for mice, rats and other small rodents.
Please do not tell me that because of the rain it's been hard for the owner to tend to because everyone else in Enfield is trying to keep up with their mowing around the rain as well.
If this man can afford to purchase all these properties in town then he should be able to maintain them as well and the Town of Enfield should enforce this too.
It's an eyesore to say the least!!! I take pride in keeping my property cleared and all I'm asking is that this property is maintained as well.
Blighted PropertyReconocido1226 Enfield St Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytestThe homeowners shrubbery is covering the sidewalk on Enfield Street and going down to Green Valley. There are trees growing out of the gutters, broken windows in the front of the house, trees blocking windows, and lawn is not mowed. The neighbors have complained about this to one another for some time and have been reluctant to report.
Blighted PropertyReconocido11 Coslin Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestFront yard is eroding into the street. They park on side of house and isn’t a drive way so it’s cause I g the yard to erode. Also house hasn’t been repaired in years.
Blighted PropertyReconocido676 Enfield St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestThe area between the two buildings has become a dumping ground for garbage. Not to mention the sidewalk never gets shoveled in the winter.
Blighted PropertyReconocido7 Armstrong Rd Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytesttall weeds and a big mound of weeds
TreesReconocido86b Elm St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytestRight by the three-way intersection inside the western Enfield Square entrance, there is a reasonably sized tree in a landscaped island that was partially uprooted a few weeks ago - likely by a car crash - and it's now clear after no action that the mall has no interest in voluntarily maintaining even a basic level of landscaping standard.
Hopefully the tree can survive a replanting, but if not, it will need replacement. -
Blighted PropertyReconocido47 Bigelow Ave Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestTrash bins always left out front Trash all over the yard Vegetation over grown
Blighted PropertyReconocido5 Cedar St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytestovergrown past a 6ft fence. and more
Blighted PropertyReconocido37 Sharren Ln Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestThe home has several cars, trucks, motor homes, trucks with snow plows attached (it is now spring) etc. all in driveway and parked along the grass making it extremely unsightly. The owner could store all vehicles in the back yard instead of making this property look like a business parking lot reducing the value of abutting properties.
Blighted PropertyReconocido22 Meade Ln Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestOwner has abandoned house and lawn is overgrown