Town of Enfield PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 165 Problèmes Clos: 8 672 Problèmes Pris en compte: 270
  • 163 South Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    There are storage units being used as apartments at this location. There are also storage units where wild animals are being held in. The manager Kai Pegues refuses to address the issues raised to her and becomes extremely confrontational and aggressive with the public.
  • 12 Pleasant St Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Large 3 axel tow truck parked on street
  • 230-234 Moody Rd Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Advertising sign Moody & Taylor
  • Hartford Ave Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    tractor parked in residential driveway
  • 14 Robbin Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Tractor of a tractor trailer parked in driveway
  • 535 Hazard Ave Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Multiple advertising signs on both sides of road at Hazard Ave and Broadbrook Road intersection.
  • 496 Enfield St Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Dumpster located in front and not screened
  • 6 Astra St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Logging trucks frequently dropping off large trees to this property Owner is chainsawing the logs on daily basis and selling the wood from his property by truckload
  • 29-37 Freshwater Blvd Sherwood Manor, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Dumpster doors left open all the time
  • 119 Brewster Rd Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Commercially registered box truck parked in driveway for a week. Violation of zoning requirements?
  • 14 Heron Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    cox internet industrial truck c4500 parked in the rd 20 hr a day zoning violation
  • 99 Cottage Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Heavily damaged vehicle covered with blue tarp on front lawn near street