Town of Enfield PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 158 Problèmes Clos: 8 672 Problèmes Pris en compte: 270
  • 98 Lake Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    I believe it's located in the back of 98 Lake Rd and shines directly into my front windows every night, all night. You can see how bright! Please can someone help me ask this person to address this asap??
  • OtherOuvert
    93 Spring St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytest
    someone (not the resident) left this on side of road
  • 128 Green Manor Rd Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    House has been sitting here for well over a year abandoned and unoccupied. The right side and back seem to have an unfinished addition put on. Have seen squirrels and animals inside of the property, smells of mold/mildew. Eye soar to drive by. Grass not usually mowed, unless someone in neighborhood mows it. Usually unmowed for extended periods of time. Something needs to be done to this property.
  • ABUSEOuvert
    14 Westford Ave Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
  • Misty Meadow Rd & North St Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    When trying to cross the road across from Misty Meadow and Grand Street vehicles do not stop for pedestrians. In addition, cars are speeding. There us a No Truck sign to enter North but no sign on North Maple. Therefore, trucks are consistently using this road which makes it very hard for the left hand turn on Elm or 190. Please put safety sign for traffic to slow it down or a speeding monitor. This is on close proximity to Hazardville School and its a bus stop. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • 2-10 Cedar St Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Somehow this request was removed from the site and left unresolved. Town residents were directed to the Cemetary Association but is the Town of Enfield not going to make their own request to the property owner to ensure repairs are made?
  • Sun St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    There have been a number of extremely loud booms in the neighborhood on several occasions over the past two weeks. Always during the day, not fireworks, almost like explosions. Cannot tell where they are coming from.
  • 106 Pleasant St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    This property has many overgrown weeds/bushes in their front yard. The bushes sometimes are overgrown and hang over the fence into the sidewalk making people have to walk in the road. Grass is not cut on a consistent basis in the front yard or back yard. You can see into the back yard and see many overgrown bushes/shrubs or weeds. The yard maintenance is very poor and unattractive.
  • OtherReconnu
    3 Martin St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytest
    This person is using this property to work on cars and occasionally has a box truck parked there.
  • 143-143 South Rd Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    One of the 2 red traffic lights north bound on Phoenix Avenue at the intersection of South Road is not working, leaving only 1 functioning light.
  • 2-98 Theresa St Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Both covers on the street clunck loudly when driven over. The noise stated after the covers were removed for inspection of the lines.
  • 7 Charles St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Front driveway very messy with heavy work equipment, blue tarp, multiple pellet smoking devices for meat, chicken coop.