Town of Enfield PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 162
Problèmes Clos: 8 672
Problèmes Pris en compte: 270
Blighted PropertyReconnu32 Church St Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytestOvergrown with standing water and rubbish. Infested with invasive bamboo and mosquitoes.
Zoning Code ViolationReconnu77 Prospect St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestWhy is this yard allowed to be a junkyard ?
Building Code ViolationReconnu7 Guild St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestRoosters at this house making noise
Zoning Code ViolationOuvertMoody Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestAdvertising sign. Zoning code violation.
Blighted PropertyOuvert1661 King St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestA person at this residence is operating a pallet business out of the back yard. Everyday that it is not raining, they are banging nails, cutting boards, and blaring music causing an annoyance to the neighborhood. Can you please review and put an end to this if they are not supposed to run a loud business out of their residential address?
Zoning Code ViolationOuvertPheasant Hill Dr Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestAdded sheds and expansion of deck and patio in exclusive use area. No permits
Zoning Code ViolationOuvert147 Sheridan Rd Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestThis property is housing multiple Roosters and a large group of chickens The roosters are extremely disruptive to all neighbors and make extreme amounts of noise from 4am to late into the night This needs to end!
Zoning Code ViolationOuvert496 Enfield St Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestDumpster located in front and not screened
Zoning Code ViolationOuvert2a Dover Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytestAt 2A Dover Road, there is a rooster on the property that is making noise all day. It starts 5:05am and continues off and on all day. As per zoning regulation, roosters are not permitted on properties that are less than 3 acres. Please address our concern. Thank you.
Zoning Code ViolationReconnu76 Hazard Ave Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestSemi Truck has been parked there for a couple of weeks.
Zoning Code ViolationOuvert6 Astra St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytestLogging trucks frequently dropping off large trees to this property Owner is chainsawing the logs on daily basis and selling the wood from his property by truckload
Zoning Code ViolationReconnu9 Missile Dr Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytestCamper parked in road for weeks. Trailers periodically parked in road for days on end for business run out of home.