Town of Enfield PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 166 Problèmes Clos: 8 672 Problèmes Pris en compte: 270
  • 496 Enfield St Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Dumpster located in front and not screened
  • 6 Astra St Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    Logging trucks frequently dropping off large trees to this property Owner is chainsawing the logs on daily basis and selling the wood from his property by truckload
  • 8 Green Valley Dr Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Debris pile is still there and still adding to it
  • 1 Peerless Way Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Overgrown Field beside Peerless Way adjacent to Shady Oak Drive is infringing / overgrowing on my property. This blight required constant upkeep by homeowner several times a year. This field was supposed to be cleared over a decade ago and a buffer was to be planted. Mice from the field are coming into the property from the field. Homeowner invites town to visit my property to see what I have to see everyday.
  • Hartford Ave Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    tractor parked in residential driveway
  • 76 Hazard Ave Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Semi Truck has been parked there for a couple of weeks.
  • 138 South Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Semi trucks are using the parking lot for long term parking.
  • 14 Heron Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Large 450 truck in the street 20 plus hour a
    Day company truck cox no back plate
  • 2a Dover Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    At 2A Dover Road, there is a rooster on the property that is making noise all day. It starts 5:05am and continues off and on all day. As per zoning regulation, roosters are not permitted on properties that are less than 3 acres. Please address our concern. Thank you.
  • 29-37 Freshwater Blvd Sherwood Manor, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Dumpster doors left open all the time
  • 99 Cottage Rd Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Heavily damaged vehicle covered with blue tarp on front lawn near street
  • 119 Brewster Rd Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Commercially registered box truck parked in driveway for a week. Violation of zoning requirements?