Town of Enfield PLUS

Open Issues: 155 Closed Issues: 8,672 Acknowledged Issues: 269
  • 29-37 Freshwater Blvd Sherwood Manor, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    Dumpster doors left open all the time
  • 2-10 Cedar St Town of Enfield, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    A major vehicle crash has caused severe damage to the fencing around the Old Hazardville Cemetary at the intersection of Cedar St and Hazard Ave.
    What repair arrangements have been made?
  • Poolオープン
    35 Pease St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Pools are required to have a fence in area and or gated off section for safety. There isn't any safety measures set in place and knowing their are small children who swim and live there.
  • 1 Westerly Dr Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    I live at 521 hazard ave. which is right next to 1 westerly dr. and there is always a dog barking there the dog is always barking inside and outside witch is dangerous because the dog runs up to the fences and there are kids both at my place and the place next to them. there is also always some one smoking and you can always smell it and I can't open the windows because of it and I bet the people on the other side of them def. can't open them.
  • OtherADIは、
    15 Dover Rd Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytest
    Would it be possible to have the town come and cut the grass on the tree belt behind the Dollar General on Dover Road? Also could they trim the over growth around the tree on Colony Road on the side of this property? It's difficult to walk with small children with the overgrowth over the sidewalk.
  • 128 Green Manor Rd Hazardville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    House has been sitting here for well over a year abandoned and unoccupied. The right side and back seem to have an unfinished addition put on. Have seen squirrels and animals inside of the property, smells of mold/mildew. Eye soar to drive by. Grass not usually mowed, unless someone in neighborhood mows it. Usually unmowed for extended periods of time. Something needs to be done to this property.
  • OtherADIは、
    1–19 Louise Dr Enfield CT 06082, United States - polytest
    This is very dangerous. You can't see a thing trying to pull out of louise Drive. This fence needs to be moved back. I almost hit a child on a bicycle yesterday pulling out! I've been complaining for years about this and nothing has been done. What's this app for if nothing gets done?
  • 98 Lake Rd Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    I believe it's located in the back of 98 Lake Rd and shines directly into my front windows every night, all night. You can see how bright! Please can someone help me ask this person to address this asap??
  • Addition オープン
    35 Pease St Enfield, Connecticut, 06082 - polytest
    Back addition to house is falling apart,main supports are rotted away and door is sagging from this.
  • Health violationsオープン
    30 Spring Garden Rd Sherwood Manor, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
    24 Spring Garden Road has an above ground pool in back yard that is green and seems to be attracting frogs which we have never had before. This property overall is violating Blight as well.
  • ABUSEオープン
    14 Westford Ave Thompsonville, CT, 06082, USA - polytest
  • Otherオープン
    93 Spring St Enfield, CT 06082, USA - polytest
    someone (not the resident) left this on side of road